DEVELOPING: Argentinian Leader Javier Milei Claims Communist Tyrant Nicolas Maduro HAS LOST HIS ELECTION in Venezuela — Maduro D...
Argentinian President Javier Milei announced late Sunday night that Communist dictator Nicolas Maduro has lost the national election in Venezuela!
Thank you for sharing this. This is not new for Maduro. This is now drawing attention to how the elections have been rigged world wide . Proving they have been selections and not elections. If Maduro lies at this time why would he not lie after a recount ?
Amen , not only will be pray but we will also get the truth out .
Thnak you, and you have a blessed day also.
Praying with you. 🙏
They always want a recount, but never an investigation to catch the corrupt counters.
It's possible to vote your way into communism, but you always have to shoot your way out once you get there.
That needs to be repeated over and over again. I was actually at a real estate closing a few years ago, where a young attorney was trying to talk his clients into socialism. I got tired of listen to him. I simply said. In Socialism, you vote it in, but you have to shoot your way out. . He didn't appreciate it, but his clients loved it.
Sad but true.
Tyrants have it easy. All they have to do is kill people.
An uprising you never know who will be killed. How many will be killed. Or what the outcome will be. Even in victory, tyranny is the most likely outcome.
The rebellion of the 13 colonies stand in stark contrast to history.
It's surprising how the military who's supposed to defend the people of the country could just be full of a bunch of Yes Men especially when it comes to tyrants
The military gets prestige and money from Maduro. It’s not surprising but it’s sad they put that over national pride and the people.
Democrats stole the last election and we also didn’t do anything about it
I used to believe this until the events of the past few years. Civil wars rarely turn out well.
I have been reading they are gathering in numbers as we speak.
Zero self awareness
More links showing election fraud in Venezuela.
Maduro taking lessons from the brutal authoritarian dictators of the Democrat Party in the US
Just steal the election
Then marginalize, vilify, attack, arrest, imprison and torture anyone who questions it
Exactly, the people did organize and are raising their voices.
You vote your way into Socialism.
You must fight your way out of it. Once they have power, they will never relinquish it.
Exactly, and history proves you to be correct.
Last I heard, Maduro activated the military to block people from voting and seize the ballot boxes. Most polls predicted Maduro losing in a landslide.
I was picking up similar chatter. People there organized fast and raising their voices. I am praying for them. Thank you for sharing this.
Time must really be flying by me as it seems some of these countries have elections every year or so for the same position...
And why is this socialist MFer's name on the ballot 13 times?
Sadly the older we get the faster time goes.
thats what I was thinking too
looks like everyone is learning to cheat like the Democrats
We know the agency that is making that happen Globally. I suspect that will be exposed soon to the world.
Recount? It wasn't even close!
For comrade Maduro?
Hearing Caduros challenger received like 63% of the votes.
We're at the "Yeah, you won. So the fuck what? What are you gonna fucking do?" stage.
people are rising up, and venezueal is not recognong Maduro being legit. this si showing the world they have stolen elections around the world.
Ok now what? How do you get rid of illegitimate communists unless it’s by violence? We have the same problem with Biden and democrats here. It’s because the scum military in these countries are allowing illegitimate governments instead of supporting the people.
If they were really in control would they need to panic ? They are now all exposing themsleves. It is not a crime until it has been committed and that is happening as we speak.