Turkey Attacks Car on Boston Street in Viral Video: 'Not on My List of Things to Be Prepared for in the City
A wild turkey attacked a parked car on a Boston street in a now-viral video shared on TikTok. A neighbor filmed fellow resident Alicia Mastroianni's vehicle being damaged by the wild animal for more than 15 minutes straight.
There was a video of a male peacock attacking a car years ago. I thought it was obviously seeing its own reflection in the finish and mistaking it for another male peacock wanting to fight.
Related story: once we lived in an apartment in the city and liked to watch the pigeons in the window sills across from ours. We put a mirror up in our window and the female pigeon seemed to recognize herself and began fluffing herself up in the mirror and making herself pretty. Her mate took a look and saw a male staring back and went crazy with rage, attacking the mirror!
My dog does that to plate glass doors. She gets all hackles.
My German Shephard get the most retarded hackles. She looks like a hyena from The Lion King.
Insert hyena.exe
It is highly racist that the turkey is black.
Wild turkey is delicious
You mean the bourbon or the bird?
WT101 ftw
Did they vax the turkeys? Reminds me of an old novel from the 80s named "The Folly". IIRC, some weird science experiment turns rabbits into wolf size rabid killers ; something like that.
Birds attack our glass door in the back of the house. Some kamakazi style.