So, last night Kamala says "ThanQ" 17 times to start her "rally" And this is today's Delta
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So you are saying she is the president, like Biden, at this point in time? Or she will be when, and if, they 25th amendment Biden? I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I would like to know exactly what you mean. It does sound like you believe Trump is going to win the election, but Kamala will be president just before it?
Sounds legit to me. A few months of economic collapse and hardship under the rudderless commie Ds then Trump elected and fix all the mess. That might win over another 10% leaving the 4-6% as the hate Trump no matter what. Regardless, the next 3 months imho are about to be fireworks.
Don't think for one second that as soon as Trump is elected, everything will be coming up roses. I think this is when the D's go scorched earth to let Trump preside over ashes. At least for a few months anyway.
IIRC, the deal Obummer, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries "offered" Buydan (after Kameltoe agreed to the scheme) was, "Step aside or we'll 25th you."
Buydan's immediate support of Kameltoe after agreeing to the deal was his "F-you," to them because they wanted more "say" in who became "the chosen one" and the way in which it happened. (It wouldn't be at all surprising, though if they screw-over Kameltoe, too, by replacing her as nominee with one of their favorite demons during the virtual nomination.)
And, since they are ALL SUCH fine, upstanding and ethical people, they might renege on their part of the bargain and use the 25th on Buydan AND/OR Kameltoe.
When one lives in a pit of vipers, one has to expect that, more-likely-than-not, one will eventually be bitten.
I like this "assumption"/hypothesis. And you are correct when living with vipers...
The part of this that doesn’t make sense to me is even if Harris turns on him, it’s not automatic. Biden is allowed to challenge it. Then it goes to the Senate and they need 2/3rds to remove him. If Republicans don’t vote with the Democrats, Biden stays in.
Could be more that Biden wanted the negative press to stop and that was part of the agreement? “Step down and we’ll make you a hero again”?