a very nice 45 minute presentation pretty much proving that there were no planes.
it appears to be chapter 7 in a longer series by the same guy, but i've never seen the other chapters.
this is not in the same vein as flat earth.
in fact, there was a specific psyop to dismiss no-planes believers as crazy. i think even pop-sci had a cover saying there were conspiracy theorists who believed that the planes were holograms, and the towers were melted by space-lasers.
the truth, as revealed in this video, is much more mundane... but still doesn't involve any planes.
I watched the video, and I find it unconvincing. The claim that no plane was seen on live TV and that all other planes were digitally inserted contradicts the accounts of thousands of eyewitnesses. There are numerous personal videos from private citizens showing the planes. For instance, one video captures an individual's account of explosions before the plane hit and then documents the second plane hitting in real-time.
Even if we entertain the notion that all videos could be fabricated, we cannot dismiss the thousands of eyewitness accounts. Many people didn't see the first plane simply because they weren't looking, but a very large number of people saw the second plane hit the towers firsthand. The sheer volume and consistency of these eyewitness testimonies strongly refute the claim that no planes were involved.
Watch it again, because you clearly missed some points. Videos from bystanders were tightly controlled, and only released to the public long after the fact, with clear modifications made.
That leaves your whole argument relying on the idea that too many people "saw the plane impact", but... can we trust that? if people see a plane flying in the vicinity and then hear a huge explosion, they'll claim to have seen the impact, even though they didn't.
how many eyewitness accounts have you personally heard? and is it more than fit on the deep states payroll in 2001?
interviews with people in the area at the time included just as many people who said there was no plane, just an explosion, like a bomb.
but, uhh, you tend not to see those people on tv quite as often.
nah. the evidence you've chosen to ignore is irrefutable.
I've heard 3 from family relatives 1 was a police officer, 1 is a taxi driver, and the last did odd jobs, was washing windows outside at the time. They all watched the 2nd one, the window wash saw the first. And yes I will take a few 1000 eye witnesses over someone who wasn't there.
ah, so you have a personal investment in the official story. that will definitely make it difficult to examine evidence properly. but if you care about truth, you will.
Those who wish to determine if the No-Planes theory is really as silly as the flat earth theory, should certainly watch this movie explaining the No-Planes theory:
A crazy8 flying maneuver even ace pilots couldnt achieve..hitting the exact spot where the Pentagon records were kept... you know the missing 6? Trillion that Rumsfeld had mentioned the day before, those records were kept in the area the plane(missle?) hit. What a coincidence
Read years ago that they were indeed flown to a military base, the passengers got off and all got onto one separate plane and were never heard from again.
I'm willing to accept that random photogrpahs of the aftermath of the wtc might not show plane parts. 100 story buildings out material a plane probably a couple dozen-fold. That's a logic i can wrap my head around.
How does a plane not exist outside the pentagon in any picture I've seen when it hit the ground and slid into it? We've seen plane crashes before - even ones where the plane wasn't coming apart before they landed. As soon as the plan makes contact with the ground, it looks like a discoball made love to a paper shredder.
And not a shred of airplane was found in the Pennsylvania crash, but of course more id’s were miraculously found. Oddly enough, there was police radio transmissions of a real plane crash 8 miles away but that was quickly buried.
"Engineering experts" aka assholes, to this day, still parrot:
Actual aircrafts hit buildings
Massive towers constructed to specifically resist impact out of American steel, "fell down" at freefall speed into it's own footprint - TWICE on the same day. Mathematically impossible.
Building 7.
Pentagon - missile err..."plane", just so happened to hit the offices looking into that $2.3T rumsfeld said was unaccounted for on 9/10...
Shenksville PA...Tried to tell us a septic system excavation (sic) was the site of a crashed plane, brought down by patriots talking on their cell phone...
Fireproof passports
Foundations burned nonstop until the end of December...
Thermite dust, spheres and residue everywhere...
By Day 3, most Americans were ready to, "Get those camel fuckers"...
We went over there so they wouldn't come here... because they hate our freedom...
The list goes on... Remember all the antiquities they stole/destroyed, museums looted? 🤔🤔🤔 Remember WL Cankles email regarding "very well preserved" Nephilim chamber discovery? Pepe Farms 'members...
oh hang on .
Was that the day that paper passports were found on the ground afterwards?
Yes, they withstood heat that steel beams could not...
The idea of no planes is a black psyop to make us look stupid and is up there with flat earth theory.
when you realize the truth, it is gonna hit you like a truck.
here's another one to debunk:
I'm traveling I don't have the connectivity to stream. What's the video about?
a very nice 45 minute presentation pretty much proving that there were no planes.
it appears to be chapter 7 in a longer series by the same guy, but i've never seen the other chapters.
this is not in the same vein as flat earth.
in fact, there was a specific psyop to dismiss no-planes believers as crazy. i think even pop-sci had a cover saying there were conspiracy theorists who believed that the planes were holograms, and the towers were melted by space-lasers.
the truth, as revealed in this video, is much more mundane... but still doesn't involve any planes.
I watched the video, and I find it unconvincing. The claim that no plane was seen on live TV and that all other planes were digitally inserted contradicts the accounts of thousands of eyewitnesses. There are numerous personal videos from private citizens showing the planes. For instance, one video captures an individual's account of explosions before the plane hit and then documents the second plane hitting in real-time.
Even if we entertain the notion that all videos could be fabricated, we cannot dismiss the thousands of eyewitness accounts. Many people didn't see the first plane simply because they weren't looking, but a very large number of people saw the second plane hit the towers firsthand. The sheer volume and consistency of these eyewitness testimonies strongly refute the claim that no planes were involved.
Watch it again, because you clearly missed some points. Videos from bystanders were tightly controlled, and only released to the public long after the fact, with clear modifications made.
That leaves your whole argument relying on the idea that too many people "saw the plane impact", but... can we trust that? if people see a plane flying in the vicinity and then hear a huge explosion, they'll claim to have seen the impact, even though they didn't.
how many eyewitness accounts have you personally heard? and is it more than fit on the deep states payroll in 2001?
interviews with people in the area at the time included just as many people who said there was no plane, just an explosion, like a bomb.
but, uhh, you tend not to see those people on tv quite as often.
nah. the evidence you've chosen to ignore is irrefutable.
I've heard 3 from family relatives 1 was a police officer, 1 is a taxi driver, and the last did odd jobs, was washing windows outside at the time. They all watched the 2nd one, the window wash saw the first. And yes I will take a few 1000 eye witnesses over someone who wasn't there.
ah, so you have a personal investment in the official story. that will definitely make it difficult to examine evidence properly. but if you care about truth, you will.
Those who wish to determine if the No-Planes theory is really as silly as the flat earth theory, should certainly watch this movie explaining the No-Planes theory:
September Clues - by Simon Shack: https://fakeotube.com/video/31/september-clues-9-11-by-simon-shack
👏🏼 💯
Great meme fren. I’m stealing it.
Thank you.
Time for the No-Planes theory to enter the mainstream.
Curious - what happened to the missing flights that day?
How did a jet airplane hit the Pentagon, at ground level and make a cartoon-like hole in the building?
It was a missle.
A crazy8 flying maneuver even ace pilots couldnt achieve..hitting the exact spot where the Pentagon records were kept... you know the missing 6? Trillion that Rumsfeld had mentioned the day before, those records were kept in the area the plane(missle?) hit. What a coincidence
And hitting the exact area that was recently reinforced.
turned transponders off and landed, i believe at a military base. been a while since i really dove into this stuff
Read years ago that they were indeed flown to a military base, the passengers got off and all got onto one separate plane and were never heard from again.
But then wouldn't the passengers know something is off and speak out?
kinda like the sandy hook victims?
they coulda been plants, they coulda been paid off, they coulda been extradited, they coulda been blackmailed, or even just killed..
i feel like i watched a great video on this topic, but i don't think i kept track of it. hopefully someone did
I'm willing to accept that random photogrpahs of the aftermath of the wtc might not show plane parts. 100 story buildings out material a plane probably a couple dozen-fold. That's a logic i can wrap my head around.
How does a plane not exist outside the pentagon in any picture I've seen when it hit the ground and slid into it? We've seen plane crashes before - even ones where the plane wasn't coming apart before they landed. As soon as the plan makes contact with the ground, it looks like a discoball made love to a paper shredder.
And not a shred of airplane was found in the Pennsylvania crash, but of course more id’s were miraculously found. Oddly enough, there was police radio transmissions of a real plane crash 8 miles away but that was quickly buried.
Calling Catsfive, we need you in here!
You guys really are still playing catch up. Don't worry, you'll get there...
Pepe Farms Remembers...
The day buildings defied physics...
"Engineering experts" aka assholes, to this day, still parrot:
The list goes on... Remember all the antiquities they stole/destroyed, museums looted? 🤔🤔🤔 Remember WL Cankles email regarding "very well preserved" Nephilim chamber discovery? Pepe Farms 'members...