36 “Panic” attack? From a weatherman (think storm is upon us)? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 188 days ago by Based_in_Space 188 days ago by Based_in_Space +36 / -0 14 comments download share 14 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Just a faggot being a faggot. Gets panic attacks reading the weather. ..gtfo
Probably all a scripted act his PR agent came up with to lock in a future book deal.
he looks like an even weirder james elefantis!
Yes I hadn’t thought of that but looks similar
Sauce: https://www.yahoo.com/news/tv-meteorologist-air-panic-attack-205446791.html
You don't need a weatherman to see which way the wind blows....
Looks scripted and ridiculous... MSM normalizing mental illness and woke nonsense.
Yep promoting weakness and faggotry by labelling it stunning and brave.
honestly he doesn’t appear anywhere near stable from that picture - maybe it’s the eyes
He's homosexual, so he'already mentally ill
Read there’s something to do with parasites worth looking into there
.....vaxxed ?
Homosexual. Makes 'doe eyes' at the camera with slight one shoulder raised to affect a coquettish look. (Barf.)
Face is asymmetrical. Left side of jaw is narrower and left ear is higher.
Pencil neck, narrow shoulders. May be a very slender fellow.
Did I mention gay? Very overtly so. Hard to look at him and not be unsettled.
Not surprised he is having some mental issues.
Likely not any comms but I wonder
I had a little one myself, watching this BS...