She hates white people even though she is white, thinks men are pigs, threatens my life after she asks for money and I don't give her any, tells people I'm a racist, threatened suicide and said the kids were crying because she was going to off herself( Safety Check from a cop said she wasn't even home and the kids were in their rooms playing happily)
Draft her ass! Even if it's for a fake war. She once told me that any day as a waitress was harder than my hardest day in the Marines. Psycho!
If she's 'White Hat' controlled then who is really leaving the border wide open and letting in the rapists and crooks and terrorists? Thank a 'White Hat' every time a young girl is raped or murdered or both by an illegal then, right?
Heading =/= happening. Think precipice.
That being said, I think people need to start being drafted to really force a wakeup call.
A draft sure would wake up a LOT of people
It would. I teach a class at a state university and last semester the students were very upset about this. Gen Z does not want to be drafted.
There won't be a draft. We have enough dudes wearing dresses in the military, we'll be safe.
God please let me Ex Wife be drafted!
Lol. NGL, there are a few exes id enlist online if I could. Lol
She hates white people even though she is white, thinks men are pigs, threatens my life after she asks for money and I don't give her any, tells people I'm a racist, threatened suicide and said the kids were crying because she was going to off herself( Safety Check from a cop said she wasn't even home and the kids were in their rooms playing happily)
Draft her ass! Even if it's for a fake war. She once told me that any day as a waitress was harder than my hardest day in the Marines. Psycho!
Is there a 2nd REEEEEEE Battalion?
I agree. All those fatties with their call of duty kill death ratios and mountain dews will wake the fuck up like nobodies buisness.
I'm not dying for pissrael
The biggest scare would be if Kamala became #47 because Joe Biden got the 25th amendment… Then she tries to pull a draft.
White hat controlled Kamala needs to make every conceivable "wrong move" to ensure a monumental, unstealable election of Trump #48.
Do you realistically think that will happen within the next two months? Time is ticking, and it's doing so rather quickly.
Indeed it is. I think a better question would be, can you think of anything else that would scare more liberals away from Kamala than that?
I don't know about a draft per se, but Kamala #47 is more likely IMO because Trump said the 25th amendment would be used against Biden.
If she's 'White Hat' controlled then who is really leaving the border wide open and letting in the rapists and crooks and terrorists? Thank a 'White Hat' every time a young girl is raped or murdered or both by an illegal then, right?