Another video from Bright Insight about the Göpekli Tepe situation. Now Jimmy Corsetti, whose channel it is, got the attention of people in charge there for his first video, and got attacked for it. BTW, Corsetti speculates the site could be Noah's altar - Noah of the great flood, that is.
Possible Biblical History
Sticky. Very important site that WEF somehow got rights to the property/land, created a tourist area of what’s uncovered, but is attempting to grow trees on other parts of the site and have stated they’d prefer to save further large scale excavations for future generations.
They are scared of something here and don’t want the world to know. I’m pretty sure this place will railroad my personal choice Anti-Christ “ WEF prophet” Yuval Harari’s entire future trans-human agenda.
This whole place needs to be carefully excavated ASAP with military standing guard to make sure nothing is stolen or damaged by WEF-Tard or Anti-religious Libratard punks.
The idea that people could build large and clearly functional societies without the help of a worldwide government is terrorizing to them.
Yes. Based on trust and cooperation.
If they did excavate it all and it did turn out to be Noah's alter, it would be 100% proof that what is in the Bible really did happen, and they can't have that now can they?
Can you explain what would prove that and why would it prove the Bible?
Yuval is hated by far too many to be the antichrist. The true antichrist will have overwhelming global popularity. Same reason I laughed at the folks who thought it was Obummer.
I'm late to this thread but thanks for highlighting this one - a backup link of the video is on rumble since I assume it will not stay on youtube for long.
The conflict between this assertion that excavations are 'so important that they have to be postponed for 150 years until tech is better', and also the notion of planting trees on top of the actual site in what can only be an effort to sabotage, deface and obstruct the ruins demonstrates that organized crime and corruption is at play.
The larger question is of course the motivation of groups like WEF to occlude this important chapter in human history. Because it proves tangible evidence towards christian religion and negates the others? Because they are scared of tech and discoveries from this ancient period that will empower people? Because merely the notion of a pre-history unacknowledged civilization (and perhaps many of such as per luminaries like Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson) and with their own tech advancements, collapse, and surviving remnants and inexplicable artifacts will sink the WEF agendas?