This brain donor is on her third booster and has "long covid" SOOO BAD that she's afraid to get out of bed. Congrats! Guess what? Covid is a respiratory virus. It's not something that spreads all over and affects your entire body. But mRNA gene therapy? Now that's a whole different story !
🧠 Sick AND stupid!
You can always tell crazy by the look in the eyes. In this case "Covid" crazy.
Cock eyed too
Cock eyed is an indicator of vaccine damage.
Looks like a dude.
Definitely looks like a man baby. And do I spy an adam's apple?
Insane on many counts.
Brain donor?
Brainless idiot.
If true, she should've waited til after she passed...
That's dumb. Doctors have surgical patients walking ASAP because just staying in bed can lead to pneumonia.
That’s a man, baby!
Looks like she got kicked by a mule.
BEFORE she'd got vaxxed
Make this make sense......
She looks like she’d get vaccinated. The vaccines are just a democratic plot to kill off white voters. Vax if you want, but it’s pretty clear a plan to shape the population to be less white.
Covid was never a respiratory virus.
How many boosters before it’s body gives up
I am sincerely hoping that it is number three
I’ll address the elephant in the room…seems the.jab made her cross eyed. Way worse than myocarditis, IMHO.
From my personal anecdotal experience with the China virus, I believe that there is a neurological component to the man-made disease. I also believe that it is being hidden from the public, because it would likely reveal damning evidence that the China Virus was indeed a botched (and illegal) multifaceted bioweapon experiment.
A future Darwin Award winner.
You go girl you keep getting vaxed. Remember, it’s not only for your safety. It’s for the rest of the human race’s is safety. Keep getting vaxed until you are Dead
There is no cure for stupid.
Or the vaccine.
Long COVID, aka the mRNA vaccine.
The vax destroyed your life you brain dead marxist.