Comments (36)
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I think that FM hides its Luciferian underpinnings from the public, its initiates and Master Masons. But as one progresses up to the upper degrees in FM, the allegiance to Lucifer becomes a prerequisite to advancement within FM. As with everything evil, and FM is no exception, it is founded on deception and lies. FM serves its master, lucifer (and you can only serve one master).
God will treat FM the way He has treated evilness and satan throughout history, He will destroy it and those that practice its wickedness.
The two FM I know (from the 3 first degrees) tried to do their programmed BS on me, at some point. One (1st degree) told me that it wasn't a "bad club", and the other (3rd) told me how he would get out if he discovered that it had anything to do with Lucifer. That was soo much bullshit of him to even get to that point of lying to himself as he tried to convince me he would do that. If he ever gets on the higher levels, it's because he let everything else go, even his own critical assessment and moral skepticism on what he is asked to do. They filter out the weeds, heh.
A great Spiritual War teacher!
I read some of the comments below and the fools saying they are FM's and that it's just a "brotherhood of man" BS are just suckers and spiritually blinded. FR by design is structured to hide it's true agenda(s) from the lower initiates. Albert Pike (FM head guru) says this himself and lays it all out in Morals and Dogma. The uninitiated are not supposed to even have that book. I do have it and have read in detail what they me, if you can get a copy of that book and see first hand what Pike discusses, you will know FM is steeped in the occult and satan worship!
But hey, if you are going to call yourself a "Christian" and at the same time take a "blood oath" to never divulge what goes on behind closed doors...go right ahead! But you are just lying to yourself at the behest of the prince of darkness. God would never (in fact commands against it) require you participate in any type of blood oath. The act alone is from the depths of hell! We don't even need to go into proving the details of what's written in their ridiculous, proprietary books written by obese occultists like Albert Pike!
To try and mix Christianity with FM is akin to saying you are a Creationist, but still believe in Evolution. The two (Christianity and FM) are by definition mutually exclusive! Any commonality is simply a matter of twisting Christianity in such a way as to be able to "fit' in with the other...but in each always involves the twisting of Christianity...not the other way around!
To given an example of this I will point to the fact that in FM, you can believe in whatever higher power makes you it some patchwork of higher powers you dream up of on your own, the god of Islam, one of the many gods of the Hindu, etc. And yes, according to FM, you can even "say" you believe and support the God of the Bible. However, this fact alone precludes Christian participation on principle because Jesus said not to associate with the forces of darkness (the occult). I could point to scripture, but this is basic and we all know it's true. I will finally say that Jesus said, "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life." If you have Jesus and claim to follow Him...there's no room for any other!
Finally, I feel the need to mention one more thing. Do I believe that George Washington (who was a high level FM) was an occultist? Not necessarily...and this is because there's evidence that during the time Washington was living, FM was most likely just a "men's group" or "brotherhood." There's significant evidence (through Washington's own letters) that during our country's founding era, FM was in the process of being infiltrated by the Illuminati which at that time had been banished from...I think it was France or Germany? Can't remember which. In any case, FM ultimately was/is completely controlled by the Illuminati now! That being said, most here are aware of the high level importance the Illuminati play in this satanic push to a NWO...the very thing we are basically fighting against. essence, if you are a FM, you are simply playing both sides of the field. This is just disingenuous and needs to stop!
I've actually been through the Royal Arch degree and it's JHV, not whatever this bloke is spouting.
Masonic. According to Masonic historian Arturo de Hoyos, the word Jahbulon was first used in the 18th century in early French versions of the Royal Arch degree. It relates a Masonic allegory in which Jabulon was the name of an explorer living during the time of Solomon who discovered the ruins of an ancient temple.
Jahbulon seems pretty clear to me? "Jahbulon - Blue Lodge - Royal arch - last and first initiation - hoodwinked to mastermason 1-3rd"
The Lightbringers: The Emissaries of Jahbulon (Freemasonry)
I'll try and take a look at those links later (work blocks bitchute) but just taking what you posted..
So, not the name of God then?
Just names pulled off google. You acted like he didnt exist. I believe the evidence against freemasonry is clear however.. Freemasonry worships Lucifer.
Read "The New World Order" by Ralph Epperson. Yes, Free Masons worship Lucifer. Once you truly research you will know. These people are sick.
I've never heard of him until you just mentioned him.
As to whether there is hidden imagery within FM that indicates there is a Luciferian control at the higher levels - I really don't know.
However, there is nothing so far in my experience that indicates that anyone I've met or anything I've seen within FM is Luciferian.
Jesus doesnt keep secrets and hidden oaths. Every oath you take with a stranger/'brother' is a slap in the face to your neighbors, friends, and family. Most importantly its blasphemy to God.
In my opinion. I tell you this cause I love you and think your on a bad path. God Bless you sir.
Maybe I am wrong. OR maybe I'm hitting the nail on the head. Its up to you.
I appreciate the sentiment, but I am not so enamored of FM that it supersedes my faith in God and Jesus, so rest assured.
I do not take anything told to me (by other people) on faith, I question everything.
I prefer to establish the truth for myself.
My Grandfather was a 32° Scottish Rite and I can tell you the CURSE 1000% TRUE. As God is my witness it's true.
Your freedom awaits.
Thankyou, bit of a mouthful though.
Read the Freemasonry book by Charles Finney.
Do you know what he has to say about the character of Freemasonry? It isn't exactly clear from the summary.
There is a somewhat long Overview on the page for the book. Here are a couple of the first paragraphs of that overview. But in a nutshell, the character of it is deception and secrecy along with bullying and violence. "I wish, if possible, to arrest the spread of this great evil, by giving the public, at least, so much information upon this subject as to induce them to examine and understand the true character and tendency of the institution. I wish, if possible, to arouse the young men who are Freemasons, to consider the inevitable consequences of such a horrible trifling with the most solemn oaths, as is constantly practiced by Freemasons. Such a course must, and does, as a matter of fact, grieve the Holy Spirit, sear the conscience, and harden the heart.
I wish to induce the young men who are not Freemasons “to look before they leap,” and not be deceived and committed, as thousands have been, before they were at all aware of the true nature of the institution of Freemasonry."
Which, unfortunately, tells me nothing of substance.
For a real short synopsis, though I've only read 1/2 of the book so far, a mason is obligated to favor other secret oath takers, due to the secret oaths they take. That means that an oath to tell the whole truth on a witness stand is meaningless if you're testifying against a fellow Freemason. Same with the oath of office for a politician. It's probably a big reason why corruption is so wide and deep in this country.
I'm pretty certain there was nothing in my oaths that said anything of the sort. In fact FM's are censured if they seek pecuniary (or legal) advantage by being a FM.
I will, however, double check that.
edit: from what I recall all the secrecy stuff was about not sharing all the elements that help to identify a fellow FM (words, signs, secret handshakes etc.)
I too have been through the Royal Arch degree and all the other degrees in York Rite. Can confirm that this is BS and have NEVER seen or heard or even a reference any worshiping of Lucifer. In fact York Rite is specifically Christian its allegory.
I think the thing thats strange is that people on here are convinced by hoaxes and books and random videos but when people come with first hand experience to the contrary they just write us off as “not high enough up” or “liars”.
Go visit a lodge and ask questions. See for yourself and stop the slander.
Pretty much everything FM is available online if you know where to look. It really isn't that secret.
However, even as a MM I know nothing of substance about the side degrees, they aren't core FM and are presented as such.
I guess if there's any shady shit going on, it will be in the side degrees, but I haven't got or seen any evidence either way.
Its open to anyone who wants to join who believes in God and the resurrection of the soul. But you have to seek it yourself. Freemasons don’t recruit on purpose because its an individual decision. The best way to put it is we dont have secrets to keep them from people we have secrets so that they will be sought out.
I know, right?
One of the reasons I joined FM was to see what it was all about.
99.9% of the FM's I know are just there for the social aspect and to do their bit for charity. I've hardly met any that either understand or put the effort into understanding some of the allegories/rituals.
There is always the chance that there are side degrees that involve going further down some kind of nefarious path, but if that's the case I don't know anything about it, so how the hell do other people?
"I was a mailman for the USPS, so I worked for the government. That means since I never saw corruption, there cannot be corruption in Congress!!!"
"I was just following orders" didn't fly in the past either. Ignorance is not a weapon, it's a weakness that many people use to protect themselves from "inconvenient" truths.
Whether they tell you or not, the FM worship lucifer, a fact that is hidden from lower level members. They only share that fact with higher level members they're pretty sure will accept it and not divulge it.
Just because you haven't been informed of that fact doesn't mean it isn't the case. Do some research on the topic with an open mind and see how you feel afterward.
Are you able to explain to me what is 'higher level' vs 'lower level' in this context?
Bullshit. You cover for them like they do you.
I do not. Trust me i dont cover any evil. I only cover for Christ alone, brother.