It can also be found online free pdf and downloaded.
Damn good historic fiction book. With an educational component. Explains where many of the illegal ‘laws’ came from. It’s banned in Canadistan…so you know it has to be good.
My neighbor loaned me his UC book…with a serious threat if I did not return it. It’s no longer published…can occasionally be found on ebay for hundreds of dollars. Seriously rare…
So, I am from Germany, it is good you showed me this. Some days ago here in Germany finally some heavy discussions about gun rights started. Due to the fact that our government wants to restrict weapons even more due to the many islamic knife attacks and terror happening. Luckily this time many started to demand more rights for us. I hope these discussion will stays on the plate for longer time.
I was totally suprised that these discussions started. The German accept their Basic Law as it is, we have only Freedom of Opinion and no Free Speech. And very restricted gun laws with permit and registration. A few weeks ago they banned our patriotic party AfD from having guns. No outcry! - But now that was impressiv.
Yes. As soon as we have freed ourselves we should adapt your constitution a.s.a.p.
Have to take big hammer and bust the skull and jaw. Pigs will eat anything edible plus. Dad used to get a load of coal a year dumped in hog pen, kept down lice and had minerals, they would eat the whole pile. Hogs will eat dead hogs.
I'd put money on this already happening in the less urban areas. I've heard someone say to an illegal who was trying to bullie an old farmer " I've got 500 acers and a backhoe. No one would look for you." Buddy boy decides to leave real quick after that.
Been having conversations with various folks about why Americans in general don't stand up and take care of business in their communities. In NYC, and other areas, if someone is caught poking a child for instance, they are beaten on the streets by the neighborhood, no delays. But, in most areas in the country, people rely on the authorities to be called, come out and take care of it. THIS is why america is seen as weak by outside forces. When was the last time you saw the locals taking care of their own? I realize Q said that counter measures are in place, must be done by rule of law, etc. And I believe in that, however, there is a time and a place where the native (read American) communities need to stand up and say enough. Part of this convo is viilantism, and if it's correct or not. But I have to wonder where that line really is. When it takes LEO's 30 mins to arrive (or in my city) they only come out if there is gunfire..... Again, where, really, is that line. No one respects you if you always back down......
If you have pigs,you know what to do.....
I have no pigs. Tell me? - You mean they would eat the bodies? - Well... - time for buying some sweet piglets.
Everything but the teeth,will disappear.
Some acid will help?
Yes soak the pig shit in acid or grind up.
Banjo playing intensifies.
Fargo taught us all about woodchippers. You don't have to feed them either, 'cept maybe some electricity!
Ever see the series Deadwood? They used the Chinese guys pigs to disappear bodies.
I know I don't have to show you this.
But it's a good read for everyone else.
It can also be found online free pdf and downloaded.
Damn good historic fiction book. With an educational component. Explains where many of the illegal ‘laws’ came from. It’s banned in Canadistan…so you know it has to be good.
Another is Kurt Schlichter’s book ‘The Attack’.
Thanks I need to re- read it.
My neighbor loaned me his UC book…with a serious threat if I did not return it. It’s no longer published…can occasionally be found on ebay for hundreds of dollars. Seriously rare…
They’re scared…
I had the hard copy years ago,I don't even know if I still have it.
This is a must read for patriotic fiction lovers.
So, I am from Germany, it is good you showed me this. Some days ago here in Germany finally some heavy discussions about gun rights started. Due to the fact that our government wants to restrict weapons even more due to the many islamic knife attacks and terror happening. Luckily this time many started to demand more rights for us. I hope these discussion will stays on the plate for longer time.
We had a hard time passing our concealed carry laws years ago,liberals said people would go crazy shooting each other.
It didn't happen.
Now we have constitutional carry, you don't need any kind of permit.
People in Germany should study what happened here.
I was totally suprised that these discussions started. The German accept their Basic Law as it is, we have only Freedom of Opinion and no Free Speech. And very restricted gun laws with permit and registration. A few weeks ago they banned our patriotic party AfD from having guns. No outcry! - But now that was impressiv.
Yes. As soon as we have freed ourselves we should adapt your constitution a.s.a.p.
No. But I will try with the next trespasser and my new piglets.
Some serial killer in Canada did too...and sold the pork in town
We really like pigs.
Have to take big hammer and bust the skull and jaw. Pigs will eat anything edible plus. Dad used to get a load of coal a year dumped in hog pen, kept down lice and had minerals, they would eat the whole pile. Hogs will eat dead hogs.
Hair, hide and bones. You’ll have to burn the clothing and grind the pig shit to destroy any leftover teeth.
We got wild pigs ang gators too☺️
Da swamp gets real active at night and I don’t think dem fellas would ever make it out the basin!
They chew through bone like butter.
Third S is most important!!!
I'd put money on this already happening in the less urban areas. I've heard someone say to an illegal who was trying to bullie an old farmer " I've got 500 acers and a backhoe. No one would look for you." Buddy boy decides to leave real quick after that.
We have gators and feral hogs in Louisiana!
Been having conversations with various folks about why Americans in general don't stand up and take care of business in their communities. In NYC, and other areas, if someone is caught poking a child for instance, they are beaten on the streets by the neighborhood, no delays. But, in most areas in the country, people rely on the authorities to be called, come out and take care of it. THIS is why america is seen as weak by outside forces. When was the last time you saw the locals taking care of their own? I realize Q said that counter measures are in place, must be done by rule of law, etc. And I believe in that, however, there is a time and a place where the native (read American) communities need to stand up and say enough. Part of this convo is viilantism, and if it's correct or not. But I have to wonder where that line really is. When it takes LEO's 30 mins to arrive (or in my city) they only come out if there is gunfire..... Again, where, really, is that line. No one respects you if you always back down......
I suggested in a comment of another post that maybe we give them the Inglorious Basterds treatment.