Phone records show suspect Ryan Routh camped on Trump's golf course for nearly TWELVE HOURS during his alleged assassination attempt?? Who tipped him off?

For some reason, I would think that Trump's security team would have access to infrared technology and drones to provide overwatch when he is out and about. This kind of thing has existed for decades and is not exactly state-of-the-art.
Wouldn't it be rather easy to pick up this dude's heat signature sitting in his little sniper's nest?
I mean, most of us have seen what Spectre Gunships can do. I would think a drone could easily provide overwatch. Maybe one did and that's how the Secret Service knew where to look on the fence line.
Great minds, I had the infra red thought as well!
I said this to a coworker today as well. Even some cheap IR shit off of Amazon would have seen the perp IMO.
How about just seeing a truck off the highway sitting less than a 100 yards from the fenced golf course? I mean that’s a low security point in itself right there. The fenced area is pretty short distance from the highway. To me that should be a routine area to check, it’s just a drive down the road for one security guy. You see a truck or anything over there, stop and inspect. “Take a gander” as we say.
In a ore-Trump political world that would be SOP for a former POTUS. But it's Trump we're talking about, so...
Incorrect. It's a common assumption that infrared is unstoppable! That's not the case if you know how it works.
To pick up a "signature" you have to be able to
Hit it with your infrared beam.
The object needs to have a different body temperature compared to the surroundings.
If it's not moving and close in temperature, it's difficult to recognize distinguishing lines that there is something even there.
An overhang avoids detection form above.
Any large object avoids detection from the side.
To get around these limitations all one needs to usually do is monitor an area for longer than 24 hours.
People need to shit and usually have to move to do so.
I pray Trump's protection group starts to be a little more proactive.
I'm a moron and sometimes I feel even I could do a better job.
Watch the spectre video again. Pretty sure the Italian show up pretty well, even from a very long range. This technology is over 20 years old. If the dude was staking his place out since 1:30 am his 96 degree body temp is likely higher than even a Florida night.
Shouldn't Trump's Mar A Lago and Golf Course be monitored 24/7 all the time? We are talking about a President of the United States who is a constant target of assassination.
You're making a big assumption here.
Why is that a big assumption? Every human being gives off body heat, he didn't have gear that would have masked that.
The big assumption is that because some equipment exists, it's routine use
It's retroactive -ism. Once we learn of an issue, it's why isn't every possible thing focused on this one thing.
Its an assumption
I may be, but I have to believe we have technology that is designed to scan and protect such environments.