So Trump has said 'We have it all. We caught them all.' (or something similar) But have we seen a 'smoking gun' in whatever the have? Q has laid out lots of things that we should see but there's been nothing definitive that will bring the moderate lefties into the fold. No Smoking Gun.
Now states are starting with early voting and mail-in ballots but these early voters don't have all the info that they need to see how bad we all know things are.
I just want there to be MORE information put out by Trump's gang on what they all know but even we aren't privy to.
I want my smoking gun that the Democrats cheated. Is that so wrong?
I guess I’m greedy, I want it all to come out and everyone has to see that the conspiracy theorists were right about every damn thing. I am past the point of caring about the liberals mental meltdowns because they won’t be able to handle the truth.
To be fair, an incorrect Starbucks order can send an unstable lefty into hysterics. I think we need to not worry about holding their hands.
No one cares about the stress on us. The stress of knowing all of this and seeing no Justice, or of struggling to put food on the table, or of no longer trusting doctors so you’re petrified of you or a loved one needing help.
Yeah, I couldn't give less of a crap about the mental health of lefties. Most of them are already out of their gourde. Sadly, I think a lot of them won't care about the truth, even if everything comes out, which it should. My niece is one of those--she's into everything the left pushes and hates Trump with an undying passion, and thinks Biden is great, despite having to live with two other people to pay her mortgage and afford food.
I don't think the truth is for that lot, anyway. I think it's for the people who have labeled themselves as conservatives but stood steadfastly against Trump for "mean tweets" and stuck their head in the sand every time someone tried to enlighten them.
For years now, I have tried to red pill my brother. I took it easy on him--pointing him at Disney and the utter filth they have put in their movies for ages, toward Bill Gates and his evil plans, toward Fauci's evilness (my brother and sis-in-law took the jab, but no boosters), and toward the fact that the two-party system has been a lie for a very long time--and he ignored it all. He refused to listen and acted like I'm crazy. My husband was not so nice and informed him about the cabal, about what they do to children, and about adrenochrome. I don't think he helped matters with my brother, but he insisted on shoving throwing him in the deep end since me giving him the kiddie pool of information wasn't working.
Only recently has my brother began to start to wake up. He started talking about how evil Disney is and wondered if they had always been like that. He "found" info on them on his own, ignoring that I have told him this for ages, but at least he's looking now. He's doing his own research, and he's voting Trump, despite him being "mean". He recognizes that our own government is trying to murder a man for wanting to make things better.
I honestly believe people like him are the ones who had to be prepared for the truth. He's a good man, just blinded by what RINOs have pushed at him for so long. Had he been slammed in the face with the truth before now, I'm not sure he could've handled it. This is the guy who argued me down about the clot shot when it came out, claiming the government wouldn't do anything to intentionally harm us. I literally laughed--that's so damned naive, especially when we have instance after instance of the government intentionally hurting its citizens. Now? Now he thinks they're all corrupt. He just doesn't know how corrupt. Not yet. But when he finds out, I think he can deal with it.
Your brother sounds a lot like my aunt. She doesn't like Trump (or politics in general), didn't listen to us about the jab (no boosters though, and she's a little more awake about that, but still takes every other jab or medicine offered to her...she's on a bunch), doesn't believe us about anything we say. She thinks we're gullible and just believing whatever we read on the internet. She says it's easy for people to make stuff up.
Oddly, she doesn't read any news or keep up much with current events, but she's super easily swayed by her coworkers, and caves to everything they say.
I don't think she's going to wake up. We've tried for years, gently and firmly. Doesn't matter.
It's fantastic that your brother is waking up! My grandfather said the same thing about how the government would never intentionally harm us. At least your brother is making great progress though. He sounds like he'll handle it just fine.
Someone like my grandfather will not, and I do feel for him because he's got a lot of dangerous health issues right. He's vaxxed and boosted like crazy, go figure. I worry that the truth would kill him, given the state of his health, but at the same time, it just can't go on like this forever.
Too many innocent people are just suffering like crazy and I'm sick of it. We have been and are doing our part, and I'm ready for the good stuff already.
I want that too. Since were are dealing with 2+2=5 crowd it will never be fully known. It probably will look like meh, things were bad so we voted for Trump.
20 years out maybe 70% gets confirmed.
timing is everything......if this holds true it should be soon
a sentence that is never untrue
And that wasupwitdis is a mouthful to ingest...
We are dealing with people that have been on this since 1963 till now and sooner or later, just like in a sonata, there is a CRESCENDO OF SOUND that reverberates throughout the entire world...
Also, this is a MILITARY OP and things work according to what is playing out both in the present, past and future. The timelines HAVE too be MOVABLE to catch as many as possible and reminds me of ambushes...
Wont be long now fren ,the rubber's fixin to meet the road ,or it wont, is what were all afraid to admit is in the back of everyone's mind.
I believe the voting has been rigged for so long that we actually think they have a chance. If the rigging is stopped I don't think it matters as Trump will win almost every state.
What worries me is the fact that they are going to allow them to steal the election again. If that happens I just do not see the optics. Either way we are almost there.
Let’s get on with it, agreed.
I've come to realize that the "plan" was started right after JFK's murder. 60 long years in the making. The plan is not on mine or any of our time lines. What will happen will happen at the right time not our time. Yes, I would love this all to be over and a smoking gun shown but I feel a LOT of smoking guns have been shown to the people but the people (the left) jam their heads up their collective assholes even deeper.
It's a big club... and there's a lot of moving parts.
Enjoy the show 🍿🍿🍿
OP - You don't honestly believe that guy is really Joe Biden, do you? 🤔
Look, they will cheat again. Trump always gives them a chance to do the right thing, even if they have been caught red handed and should be facing execution.
Right now, Trump is warning the cheaters to not cheat or there will be EXTREME consequences.
What that tells me is that they will cheat and steal this again. But somehow this time will be different and Trump will get back what is stolen and they will be prosecuted.
So, you should fully expect Kamala to be crowned the winner by the MSM and the cheaters. Another round of insanity where we all get beaten down to oblivion with the lies. Then and only then will the truth come out and it will be undeniable.
So cheers... but dont expect any truth to come out until maybe 2026 after endless investigations and over turning of the fraud.
Think 2020 election but this time there is actually standing and we have to be patient and wait on these slow moving courts and congress to do the right thing with the info that is released.
those who take comfort in the word of god (truth) dont need to hear others speak it. what youre asking for is selfish in the grander scheme.
Yes, I'm selfish. I WANT a Smoking Gun so that the undecideds or 'left leaning' moderates are shown what they need to see to get them on the right path.
I'm selfish and I WANT Liberals to know WHY they are fvcked.
I'm selfish and I WANT to get these damn criminals out of the White House.
seems like you overlooked that part.
i would argue that it is selfish to deny others the same awakening process that most of us went through, to deny them finding christ the way others have.
What if it's them stealing another election, that starts it.