Couldn't the lipo batteries explode? I've seen videos of that. Also smartphones could probably use EMFs to effect us in ways we are not thinking about.
Batteries explode, but it seems like the pager story is implying that Israel can send a signal and make a device explode….I’m just saying that the pagers were sabotaged before they were given to the terrorists.
Don't go crazy. These were pagers from one company and were filled with explosives and fuses or triggers or whatever so that when a special signal was sent: Boom! Unless you have a Motorola pager and use it, don't worry.
If they killed 12 people these weren't regular batteries. My guess is that they place c4 or something inside the wrapped and sealed lithium batteries then triggered them to all go off at the same time. Even if you took the pager aparty the battery pack would look 100% normal and most people know lithium will flare up when punctured so anyone reverse engineering these probably wouldn't disassemble the baytery pack.
This is not new. This tactic was developed and used in the 1990s and highly classified as such. Israel/U.S. (mossad/us clowns) were using cell phones originally. It was very effective. This is how it played out in the early days of use: a known terrorist is selected and through the mystery of radio frequency hoo doo voo doo magic the target's phone mysteriously starts acting "wonky". Coincidence the target was called by phone manufacturer representative saying certain models of phones were reporting unusual problems while asking if this phone was having "issues"?, if so the problem can be corrected, free of charge, of course. Target brings phone in for repair/upgrade. Target given a "temporary phone" (lesser value of targets phone to ensure he returns). Several days later Target gets a phone call. Target is told his phone is ready for pickup. Target gets phone back. Sometime later target gets a follow up phone call to confirm customer satisfaction. Target is asked to confirm their identity. Signal is sent over the air while phone is next to targets head and Ka-blooeey". Target eliminated. Lather, rinse & repeat.
Today the electronics leave the original manfacturers facility and "somehow" find the way into a Clown/mossad facility where they are "altered", repackaged and shipped out to their final destinations.
Now combine this with the recent trend of making it nearly impossible to replace smartphone batteries and other parts. Using remotely activated tamper-proof explosive tags to control a huge open-air prison population is a common dystopian science fiction trope, but turns out it's getting closer to reality each passing day.
In my view is a huge hurdle to manufacture pagers with explosives and get them just to the terrorists. Same with “loaded” batteries. Getting the “loaded” batteries and replacing good ones in just the ones going to the terrorists 2800-3000 specific pagers and not to the general public is an almost impossible task. Makes more sense to make the real batteries explode with a call to already known phone numbers with some unknown tech.
Just sayin
Well, not necessarily so. A production line could be stopped briefly to produce an order of 3000 pagers with a special XYZ battery type instead of the usual ABC battery - limiting factor: run out batteries, and that lot gets sent to the specific customer.
However, I'm more likely to believe that the pagers were sent from Taiwan to (Ukraine?) and sat in a warehouse for a few days where the batteries were swapped out, and then shipped to Iran/Syria/Lebanon.
I have read that the pagers were bought in bulk after the decision to scrap cells. It's possible the walkie talkies were bought in bulk too, and Israel intel intercepted the shipments. Lower per unit pricing.
If these were picked up randomly at an Allah Walmart or Jihad Dollar General, that'd be a different story.
Just now hearing that now the groups walkie talkie's are exploding. This is an act to decapitate the groups communicating ability. It certainly outs those with devices as a supporter of the group.
Come on, man. The Israeli’s sabotaged the pagers with explosives.
The misinformation that they sent some electronic signal that could make any device blow up is getting ridiculous.
Couldn't the lipo batteries explode? I've seen videos of that. Also smartphones could probably use EMFs to effect us in ways we are not thinking about.
No. Catch on fire, yes. Explode, no.
Batteries explode, but it seems like the pager story is implying that Israel can send a signal and make a device explode….I’m just saying that the pagers were sabotaged before they were given to the terrorists.
Can't wait until their automatic goat milk extracting machines blow up next
They did plant explosives in pagers, phones and radio devices.
That is what I said ….wasn’t it? The fake news is that Israel can suddenly make anyone’s pager of phone go boom. Just wanted to be accurate. :-)
Yep. Just heard it confirmed this morning that it was explosives.
Don't go crazy. These were pagers from one company and were filled with explosives and fuses or triggers or whatever so that when a special signal was sent: Boom! Unless you have a Motorola pager and use it, don't worry.
If they killed 12 people these weren't regular batteries. My guess is that they place c4 or something inside the wrapped and sealed lithium batteries then triggered them to all go off at the same time. Even if you took the pager aparty the battery pack would look 100% normal and most people know lithium will flare up when punctured so anyone reverse engineering these probably wouldn't disassemble the baytery pack.
This is confirmed. They used a special explosive substance in the modified pagers
Very plausible explanation. Bet they don’t tell anyone how they did it, could be used again.
Well I mean they already use cell phone location \ triangulation for targeted strikes so...
Prolly find there is a lot less room for fuckery inside an iPhone. Apple leaves little room for air...
Nope... just replace the battery with a 70% normal and 30% c4 battery pack.
It wasn't c4, some zinc based funky explosive substance but yeah
I'm now hearing RDX or PETN
PETN is what I'm hearing
Yea...they can stare at my junk while I shitpost on the my stuff...but not much else. But give them time I guess.
Last time I checked, my phone was not rigged with Pentex. So there's that.
This is not new. This tactic was developed and used in the 1990s and highly classified as such. Israel/U.S. (mossad/us clowns) were using cell phones originally. It was very effective. This is how it played out in the early days of use: a known terrorist is selected and through the mystery of radio frequency hoo doo voo doo magic the target's phone mysteriously starts acting "wonky". Coincidence the target was called by phone manufacturer representative saying certain models of phones were reporting unusual problems while asking if this phone was having "issues"?, if so the problem can be corrected, free of charge, of course. Target brings phone in for repair/upgrade. Target given a "temporary phone" (lesser value of targets phone to ensure he returns). Several days later Target gets a phone call. Target is told his phone is ready for pickup. Target gets phone back. Sometime later target gets a follow up phone call to confirm customer satisfaction. Target is asked to confirm their identity. Signal is sent over the air while phone is next to targets head and Ka-blooeey". Target eliminated. Lather, rinse & repeat.
Today the electronics leave the original manfacturers facility and "somehow" find the way into a Clown/mossad facility where they are "altered", repackaged and shipped out to their final destinations.
This morning they did blow up the phones and radio communication devices!
Pretty fkn ingenious if u ask me... Israel was pretty slick with this one
Now combine this with the recent trend of making it nearly impossible to replace smartphone batteries and other parts. Using remotely activated tamper-proof explosive tags to control a huge open-air prison population is a common dystopian science fiction trope, but turns out it's getting closer to reality each passing day.
In my view is a huge hurdle to manufacture pagers with explosives and get them just to the terrorists. Same with “loaded” batteries. Getting the “loaded” batteries and replacing good ones in just the ones going to the terrorists 2800-3000 specific pagers and not to the general public is an almost impossible task. Makes more sense to make the real batteries explode with a call to already known phone numbers with some unknown tech. Just sayin
Well, not necessarily so. A production line could be stopped briefly to produce an order of 3000 pagers with a special XYZ battery type instead of the usual ABC battery - limiting factor: run out batteries, and that lot gets sent to the specific customer.
However, I'm more likely to believe that the pagers were sent from Taiwan to (Ukraine?) and sat in a warehouse for a few days where the batteries were swapped out, and then shipped to Iran/Syria/Lebanon.
Good point.
I have read that the pagers were bought in bulk after the decision to scrap cells. It's possible the walkie talkies were bought in bulk too, and Israel intel intercepted the shipments. Lower per unit pricing.
If these were picked up randomly at an Allah Walmart or Jihad Dollar General, that'd be a different story.
Just now hearing that now the groups walkie talkie's are exploding. This is an act to decapitate the groups communicating ability. It certainly outs those with devices as a supporter of the group.