Youre right. Heres the interview they did before their private meeting. Zelensky is his usual cocky smirking self here.
When Trump talks about his good relationship with Putin, Z interrupts him to make this smartass comment "I hope we have an even better relationship" (paraphrasing).
That’s more South American dictator style. Eastern European Dictator style is more subtle, except when they play piano with their penis or dance with gay men in leather gimp gear on TV.
Right? And he normally appears defiant, full of bluster. Not this time.
It was a 'CAGE MATCH' Ahhhhh
I take it the the green garden gnome lost.
Youre right. Heres the interview they did before their private meeting. Zelensky is his usual cocky smirking self here.
When Trump talks about his good relationship with Putin, Z interrupts him to make this smartass comment "I hope we have an even better relationship" (paraphrasing).
Trump kind of laughs it off when he does this.
And yes Z's face and body language is very different after the meeting.
You would think he would have a chest full of medals
That’s more South American dictator style. Eastern European Dictator style is more subtle, except when they play piano with their penis or dance with gay men in leather gimp gear on TV.
probably has a chest full of Krugarands.
He's wearing a metal chastity belt... Does that count? 🤔😁
I think he wears OD to try and pass himself off as a military man of the people...
Looks like he's gotta pay back that 85 billion