You'll have to rewrite it because it will be a glowing pile of sugar covered shit. I'll help you out; "George Soros was a poopoo head. His breath smelled like peepee and he stored his testicles under his eyes."
That's probably all that needs to be said about him.
I will not be sad to read his obituary.
The only way I'll be happy is if his son's is right next to it.
You'll have to rewrite it because it will be a glowing pile of sugar covered shit. I'll help you out; "George Soros was a poopoo head. His breath smelled like peepee and he stored his testicles under his eyes."
That's probably all that needs to be said about him.
Put up tents for 50,000 illegals all around his compound.
Associated Video from Sky News Australia: 9/26/2024 -
Evil man!
Here is a mission for Seal Team 6
Tim Walz needs both back and front lashings... Do the sides while you're at it as well