John Kerry says, "It is harder to build consensus today" because the 1st Amendment blocks the censorship of "disinformation.".........(POS Commie...)
🧠 These people are stupid!
Artificially manufacture concensus
Is what he meant to say.
We don’t want to censor any info, we want to be able to think for ourselves and use our own skills to figure out what is correct. My uncle always asked if I believed everything I read in the paper, I said yes, then he asked what about the funny papers? He was a wise man.
Fortunately, nobody with a functional brain gives a crap about anything "Lurch" has to say... but it is interesting to see the DS puppets complaining that they can no longer brainwash the masses as easily as they could in the past. That pesky First Amendment allows the spread of information that contradicts their carefully crafted "narratives" (propaganda)... and too many people have already started to wake up. Nothing can stop that awakening process anymore - it has already reached a critical mass.
commie traitor
As it should... this just shows the Democrats agenda is control.
We can no longer control people’s minds. Our position of authority is diminished. Soon we will learn just how egregious our actions have been.
Boo freakin hoo
It is their DISINFORMATION that is being fact checked and that is what makes them mad!
the 1st Amendment blocks the censorship of "disinformation.
And that's been the case since day one, Mr. Heinz. Get over it.
Is Kerry implying that he knew what things were like in the US before they had the First Amendment?
Basically, we (the criminal cabal) can't govern properly now because of the pesky 1st amendment and out of control free speech.
Any government that dies as a result of the peoples freedoms deserved to die in the first place
I swear, these morons can mangle logic like professional pretzel benders.
because everybody knows consensus are made with censorship!