Last night I was laying in bed ~10:00 PM and got a notification on my phone from the Ring Neighbors app. Residents in my area were reporting seeing “blinking objects” in the sky the last few nights, and this was over multiple towns in South Jersey just 10 miles away from Philadelphia.
Naturally I didn’t believe it at first because everyone on that app is paranoid about everything but since I use a drone for my work, my interest peaked and I got out of bed and went out on my balcony (I have a loft in my second floor home).
They were right. I saw dozens, easily 50-100 drones very high up, green and red lights flashing, all moving together at different altitudes in the same general direction in the night sky. I literally thought we were being invaded, the sight was that strange.
I pulled up my AirAware app (I use this for work to see air space restrictions of where I am when I want to fly my drone) and the region was heavily restricted at the time
I opened the app citing a Presidential event October 8 from 4:30-8:30 PM.
Now logic says this was the government scanning the area two nights before Biden visits Philly, but it’s not sitting right with me.
Biden has been President (lol) for 4 years nearly and has visited Philly countless times, not to mention was always nearby in Delaware year round during this time period. I never have seen a drone event like this reported since 2021, nor seen the airspace this heavily restricted where it went beyond my home halfway out towards the Jersey shore.
Does anyone have any insight at what myself and my neighbors witnessed? What would over 100 drones be used 10-20 miles away from Philly be used for at night when it’s dark out?
I'm also in South Jersey and noticed this.
I was sitting by a fire pit outside about 11pm and I kept seeing small flashes in the sky every few minutes. I normally get a lot of helicopter traffic, but there wasn't any engine noise to go with the lights, so I assumed drones
It was such a wild amount there was def no confusing these with small planes or helicopters. They also were not flying fast, plenty of time to observe. I am going to look out tonight and get video if they're flying again.
Sounds like the drone swarms that were visible for several nights over Western Nebraska. Always at night and moved slowly in a coordinated manner. I heard about this and was spending a night in Western Nebraska and about 20 people were in the parking lot watching for the “swarm” but nobody saw a thing.
Trump Force 1 N757AF landed in New Jersey last night about 9:30-10pm from Milwaukee. Probably got 18 holes on the schedule today.
Bedminster is 80 miles north and over an hour drive, so unless he landed in Philly idk. There is another Trump golf course down near here but I don't think he plays there often.
Not finding anything...Nothing via web search...Nothing on FacePlant.
Here's the restriction post:
The deep-state is running out of options, so they're practicing with foreign equipment, for deployment at a future unnamed Trump rally site.
I'm northeast of Philly about 1 1/2 hours innawoods. Nada, nothing. However, my first thought is maybe surveillance of some sort for all the (((terrorist))) warnings we've been getting about 10/7.
Yeah this was definitely on our side of the river, I scoured Twitter and other forums and no actual Philly reportings (being in the city thousands of people would've seen this, I am in the burbs so you'd actually have to go outside past 10:00 and look straight up carefully to see, they were absolutely silent and if there weren't so many I'd assume it was a plane at extremely high altitude).
Okay, it occurs to me that we need an efficient way to take drones out, if we feel that they're invading our space.
Trained raptors would be nice, but I wouldn't want to endanger any of them.
I just got a vision of being able to accurately power fling a weighted net at the offending drone. I know...too ridiculous for words.
Skynet drone defense shotgun rounds 🙂
Wow...I had no idea. It's kinda like that, isn't it? So if I had a 12g shotgun, I could use one of those in place of a shell, and it'll do that?
Cool. They're backordered, but you can just buy them?
12 gauge shotgun , buy the BB loads or field loads
Odd but seems to be an increase in night drone activity in central Az also. Many posts by locals.
Makes me think of the drones donated a few years ago by China to NJ Police Departments. Hope it wasn't those spying drones.
Crowd control?
Wdym specifically?
These drones were flying over multiple suburban towns at night at a miles wide raidus as people slept in bed.
In my mind, they were scouring/surveying the area for something. Without thermal vision, this whole thing makes absolutely no sense.
Right, I was thinking they were practicing in unison, possibly for future crowd, control, or something else nefarious but under the disguise of darkness
That's an interesting thought process. Makes me think, can you imagine witnessing what I did last night during the daytime during Coofid 2020? Drones watching people for curfew and masks?
Exactly- for much of Covid I was in a small town in Montana. It was quieter here, less mask enforced measures.
The only “Covid” we saw in the news and the hottest spots were from traveling celebrities or wealthier travelers from out east — eventually Mt put a stop to that.
But I could see “them” using drones in small towns to monitor less populated areas.
Thanks for reposting, I missed it the first time around. Idk what they were for.
Maybe those Pineys have the Jersey Devil locked in an outbuilding, producing flying machines for the equivalent of the Cajun Navy. The Piney Air Force.
Cloud seeding drones?
Based on my own observation these things weren't high enough for something like that. Higher than the average drone user would take their craft up, but not as high as the planes that spray go.