On Hurricane Milton: “I’m not gonna sit here and tell you I know exactly what they’ve done, but what I am saying is that the question ‘are there US Government and now state level funded and directed weather modification programs?’ Yeah, there are.”
Some of us knew without a doubt but we were not allowed to talk about it, because some are afraid of being labeled as crazy. We were censored here, and that has always pissed me off.
I haven't been censored for criticizing Flynn. People have disagreed with me, sure. But that's fine. They're entitled to their opinions and viewpoints too.
Edit: Unless you're talking about weather modification, in which case it has been a bit of a hot topic that has been a bit on the verboten side, though I didn't see too much direct censorship on this point either.
I'm a bit facetious in regards to weather manipulation. I don't fully believe it, but I also don't trust the government not to try it and use what ever bad chemicals they can to do so. I'll refer to it, but it's often at least slightly in jest.
In 1997, U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen warned about the potential use of weather modification as a form of "eco-terrorism," where adversaries could manipulate natural phenomena like climate or seismic activity to cause harm. This concern aligns with the 1978 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD), which bans the use of such environmental modifications for military or hostile purposes to prevent widespread, long-lasting, or severe impacts. For the full text of the treaty, see ENMOD treaty.
As pedes, we must be VERY discerning with the obfuscation that's been going on the past year with this topic. MSM has begun introducing "cloud seeding" and silver iodide technologies as a means to get ahead of any further conjecture. THIS IS RELATIVELY BENIGN weather modification. All this is, is a low-altitude means to wring moisture from clouds on a very localized level. That's it. Now, is silver iodide potentially toxic? Probably. But this is not how entire weather systems are manipulated. The answer to that question is much more sinister.
Sometimes we get sticky webs falling from the sky not from spiders. Also they used aluminum particles that are very flammable, California fires that spread like crazy.
I used to be a member of a cloudbuster program, we cleaned much of California and other bad areas. I still have my cloudbuster sitting in my yard. I have gifted cell towers from central CA up to Salines with orgon devices called Holy hand grenades. The fun part is getting checked out by black official cars out in the country wondering what we were doing. We pick up trash that looks useful as a cover.
I was listening to the Croww777 podcast a while back and there was a discussion about boiling vinegar outside on your bbq, that it clears up chemtrails.
On Hurricane Milton: “I’m not gonna sit here and tell you I know exactly what they’ve done, but what I am saying is that the question ‘are there US Government and now state level funded and directed weather modification programs?’ Yeah, there are.”
Full interview with General Flynn: https://www.youtube.com/live/lEKPMnRps2s?si=Tiy62Jdy4Ccf3whA
Found this today. It's long and informative. Weather modification is a weapon and they are using it.
He knew this all along and never said a thing till now? Seems to be a trend with him. I keep thinking, “Paytroit”?
Some of us knew without a doubt but we were not allowed to talk about it, because some are afraid of being labeled as crazy. We were censored here, and that has always pissed me off.
We're finally vindicated, I say with glee.
I haven't been censored for criticizing Flynn. People have disagreed with me, sure. But that's fine. They're entitled to their opinions and viewpoints too.
Edit: Unless you're talking about weather modification, in which case it has been a bit of a hot topic that has been a bit on the verboten side, though I didn't see too much direct censorship on this point either.
I'm a bit facetious in regards to weather manipulation. I don't fully believe it, but I also don't trust the government not to try it and use what ever bad chemicals they can to do so. I'll refer to it, but it's often at least slightly in jest.
In 1997, U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen warned about the potential use of weather modification as a form of "eco-terrorism," where adversaries could manipulate natural phenomena like climate or seismic activity to cause harm. This concern aligns with the 1978 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD), which bans the use of such environmental modifications for military or hostile purposes to prevent widespread, long-lasting, or severe impacts. For the full text of the treaty, see ENMOD treaty.
As pedes, we must be VERY discerning with the obfuscation that's been going on the past year with this topic. MSM has begun introducing "cloud seeding" and silver iodide technologies as a means to get ahead of any further conjecture. THIS IS RELATIVELY BENIGN weather modification. All this is, is a low-altitude means to wring moisture from clouds on a very localized level. That's it. Now, is silver iodide potentially toxic? Probably. But this is not how entire weather systems are manipulated. The answer to that question is much more sinister.
Sometimes we get sticky webs falling from the sky not from spiders. Also they used aluminum particles that are very flammable, California fires that spread like crazy.
What show is this?
Cloud seeding in California is a well known fact. Even a few normies here knows it’s a fact.
I used to be a member of a cloudbuster program, we cleaned much of California and other bad areas. I still have my cloudbuster sitting in my yard. I have gifted cell towers from central CA up to Salines with orgon devices called Holy hand grenades. The fun part is getting checked out by black official cars out in the country wondering what we were doing. We pick up trash that looks useful as a cover.
I was listening to the Croww777 podcast a while back and there was a discussion about boiling vinegar outside on your bbq, that it clears up chemtrails.
Is that true?
Any other suggestions?
I don't know, you would have to have a whole lot going to get into the atmosphere. It doesn't sound plausible but I have been surprised before.