Stickied as a reminder that sometime today begins livestreaming video of election dropboxes. Citizens are encouraged to participate by filming dropboxes in their area. Apparently there will be a mechanism to stream through the site. To be clear, there is no actual Gofundme involved.
Doesn't "ballot harvesting" allow people, legally, to collect ballots from "voters" and then deposit them in drop boxes? So that unless the actual ballots are confiscated from the person right before they put them in a drop box, and then each ballot is checked for validity, there would be no way to stop, or even contest, such votes.
yh i dont really get what this is supposed to stop of prove. If a person delivers a giant stash and deposits it and they are all fake, you'll never know which were in her stash once you open the mailbox and they are all mixed in with the others etc, and as you said harvesting is technically legal in some states so...idk
Ballot harvesting, mail in ballots, drop boxes. That shit would never happen if citizens really voted in the politicians. Voting would be as difficult and secure as getting a loan. Case closed, mic drop mother fers.
Why wouldn't the democrats cheat again in 2024. They got away with it unpunished in 2020. Why would they not do what ever they want when they can get away with it scot-free.
ok but be prepared for the inevitable arrests on the basis of "voter intimidation", especially if Kamala steals it and gets in again, or the refusal to certify on the same basis if Trump wins :/
This whole period is gonna be a giant shit show lol
Stickied as a reminder that sometime today begins livestreaming video of election dropboxes. Citizens are encouraged to participate by filming dropboxes in their area. Apparently there will be a mechanism to stream through the site. To be clear, there is no actual Gofundme involved.
Doh, I should read other replies first
Credit to fellow poster " DontTreadOnIT" Just wanted to add another view of how we can get this out publicly. just in case they mess with the cameras.
Doesn't "ballot harvesting" allow people, legally, to collect ballots from "voters" and then deposit them in drop boxes? So that unless the actual ballots are confiscated from the person right before they put them in a drop box, and then each ballot is checked for validity, there would be no way to stop, or even contest, such votes.
yh i dont really get what this is supposed to stop of prove. If a person delivers a giant stash and deposits it and they are all fake, you'll never know which were in her stash once you open the mailbox and they are all mixed in with the others etc, and as you said harvesting is technically legal in some states so...idk
Ballot harvesting, mail in ballots, drop boxes. That shit would never happen if citizens really voted in the politicians. Voting would be as difficult and secure as getting a loan. Case closed, mic drop mother fers.
I didn't see any mention of a Go Fund me on the post that Gregg Phillips posted. So why is it in the subject of this post? At any rate, here's the original TS post:
This should be on give send go instead of go fund me.
Why wouldn't the democrats cheat again in 2024. They got away with it unpunished in 2020. Why would they not do what ever they want when they can get away with it scot-free.
I didn’t think that cell phones were allowed inside the polling area(?)
the drop boxes i've seen are outside. part of the convenience?
Now there is a name I havent heard in a while. Dubya tf mate? ^^;
So what are we looking for?
ok but be prepared for the inevitable arrests on the basis of "voter intimidation", especially if Kamala steals it and gets in again, or the refusal to certify on the same basis if Trump wins :/
This whole period is gonna be a giant shit show lol