Pendulum by Penny Marie | Substack
Penny Marie is an independent reporter, researcher, speaker and coach. The PEN is mightier than the sword... The PENdulum is swinging back to the TRUTH in all things. Click to read Pendulum by Penny Marie, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribe...
I doubt he will show up.
Maybe he'll already be in prison, or six feet under by then.
That Dutch bag needs the rope...
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In this particular decision: Gates' representatives dispute jurisdiction. Not the claim. Judge ruled that court did have jurisdiction.
Case get to heart of Gates, WEF involvement in Great Reset and Jabs:
Hofstra et al. have implemented the Covid 19: The Great Reset Project. This is a project aimed at the total reorganization of societies in all countries that are members of the United Nations (hereinafter: UN), as described by Schwab in his book Covid-19: The Great Reset. In this reorganization, all factors that determine human life are made the subject of forced change by the WEF and the UN. Characteristic of this political ideology is that this forced and planned change is presented as justified by pretending that the world is suffering from major crises that can only be solved by centralized, tough global intervention.
One of these so-called major crises concerns the Covid-19 pandemic. Hofstra individually and as a group acted unlawfully towards the claimants by misleading them, in the context of the implementation of the Covid 19: The Great Reset Project, into administering Covid-19 injections, of which Hofstra knew, or at least should have known, that these injections were not safe and effective. According to the claimants, the claimants suffered mental and physical injuries as a result of these injections.”
Sounds like a nothing burger, the swamp isn't going to send Gates to the Netherlands to stand trial. He's not even denying the charges only that there is no grounds for a Dutch judge to preside over a American citizen.
It’s a start … 💧💦 … 🌊
Julian Assange has entered the chat.
In the grand scheme of things he and everyone like him are already in hell. This life is quicker than the twinkling of an eye once we achieve the right perspective.
--Gay Faggot
depends on what the meaning of is is
Burn in hell.
Pendulum…as in tick tock?