The precious metals has increased by 500 million in the past 20 days. Maybe Fort Knox is not empty, but is actual fuller than ever?
IMO, the gold has been gone for quite some time...but is this still the same? I see it going two ways with Ft. Knox live stream:
Trump brought the Gold back from the Vatican. The Ft. Knox live stream shows it full to the brim. To me, this would be a shot to BRICS and the DS, showing them we got it back.
The latter...the Gold is gone. This would create a supply shock PM pump, the stock market would continue tanking...maybe steering everyone to the precipice?
Either way, I can see precious metals being volatile in price action. I"m quite curious to which option will be chosen, and what occurs after. It'll be spicy regardless, IMO.
I like those odds, considering Trump only had 1% chance of winning in 2016...
Oooh, this is gonna be spicy...shining light on just how deep the DS corruption is in TX.
Lemons will always have a special place in my heart. I've held a good bag for over 7 years now. Lemons is what me and some of my close crypto frens named stellar lumens.
I always suspected "CORONA" had ties to some type of computer bug or virus system the DS has to cause major disruptions on a moment's notice, knowing how "they" love their play on words.
Never thought about it as commsats form though, what do you think?
Fact Checkers:
This is FALSE and MISLEADING. The picture in question does NOT show former First Lady Michelle Obama with a 9 inch long meat stick. The measurement of 9 is his girth, not length.
We have full faith in God, and knows he will look after us in our transition period. Sucks, but it is what it is and we just have to deal with it.
I'm out of money, and trying to homestead what we can. I can get us by for another month doing more side gigs, but that's about it. We're broke.
I don't say that for pity, or handouts. I just don't want us to be another DS statistic, and see the plan end. We are just focusing on God, nothing else.
I hope so. I still believe the cleanup is done prior to the start of Trump's year long celebration for America 250 this Memorial Day 2025, but im also seeing things that may mean we're in for another long year or two of fighting.
I hope not, for personal factors and reasons, but I have zero control of the plan. I just hope I can make it to see the finish line.
This is why I'm leaning to it being another nothingburger. We've been down this path many times before, so I'm not getting my hopes up. Watch it be just a site overhaul.
Just another Five Eyes propaganda arm at this point. This "anon" was infiltrated years ago.
That's exactly what I believe happens.
What i've personally witnessed is them using the jet streams to disperse it properly wide, and fast. They can't have those checker boards lingering, but a whiteout haze is much better. I do a ton of traveling, and I've noticed them spraying just across border states that have bans in place. I can sit there and watch the jet streams push it directly over them as the day progresses.
Whenever they want to use it for the weather, I've seen them do it a day or so prior to predicted storms, greatly intensifying it's strength than what was originally predicted.
I'm still noticing it today, but not nearly as frequent as it's been in the past. I'm assuming that'll change once spring storm season arrives, unless Trump can shut them down prior. I'm quite sick of it and the 90mph+ straight line winds, tornados, baseball size name it.
I remember being young and these events were considered rare to extremely rare, not seasonably common.
edit: to add, and to the point in the video, on calm wind days I have had this happen above me. Morning lines turned into afternoon whiteouts. You can really notice it with polarized glasses on. I'm assuming that has something to do with the metal particulates reflecting in the sun light.
Trump rapidly trying to claim these territories for "Importance of National Security"
Has anyone fully connected the dots yet?
I have a VERY good theory on this, and most everyone here will call me crazy for it too.
Hollow/Flat Earth theories anyone?!?!
it's going to be biblical...well, take a look at what the early representation of the Earth was...then go look at the Gleason's Map...both show significant importance of what we know of as the "North Pole"
What are the surrounding Countries around this singular point....
- Canada
- Greenland
- Russia
- Alaska (USA)
I don't believe in those.
Except for 1...and i believe this will tie back to him soon enough.
Doesnt get more obvious than that 😂
That's the point, IMO. The drips are turning into the flood, and it's the final, and thorough, swamp flush before the drain is pulled. We're now watching the deep cleansing process in it's final form.
It is, and this is just one of the few energy techs we are getting. IMO, the hidden Tesla tech will be the first, and it's not far away with the Wardenclyff towers being popped up around the globe and the new style of border wall being built by the WHs and other countries (I think Putin is building one too)
The only thing that's been holding it all back is the DS...and hopefully very soon we finish this all so we can all get to experience what true life was always meant to be. Also, take a look at what China is doing, the interesting part of this to me is the different tech route they went :
Not poking at you directly, but this is the mindset of old we need to move away from.
We make decisions such as helping people, and improving their daily lives immensely, based off of power and money. The economy is one thing of course, but think about WHY we still keep the two connected.
I was hoping for a subtle livestream drop
My guess would be both John John and Trump doing this signifies they are not swearing allegiance to the DS/USA CORP. Since it's the snakes holding the Bible, and we've been occupied for much longer than what's noted.
In a nutshell, this is them silently giving "them" the middle finger.'s how they all start, every single year. It's just one big money/land grab.
Q is referring to us being privy to playing the political game. We forgot that we controlled the game, not "them."
Also, i feel your statement is also true too. I believe most of us have forgotten how to have fun and enjoy life. We've slaved our lives away to make ends meet, and lost sight of what life was meant to be the entire time. Now that I'm thinking of it, I can't even remember the last time I've actually felt true joy in my adult life over the last many years. Its sad, and I don't like it. I fear that the last few years have turned me cynical.
To add what was missed: