Because nothing was done about election fraud. There were some gains. But as I’ve kept saying, laws were passed, laws are being broken. Just like last time. No one to enforce. Without enforcement, it doesn’t matter what laws are made. Until we have enforcement, this will never change. We’re you at military? On the governments payroll? Yeah that’s what I figured.
I didn’t forget that. Ok so report it. Show video of it. Take pictures. Find names and plates. And then what? Call the police? They are doing nothing. So again, without enforcement, reporting crimes doesn’t matter. We are counting on a corrupted system to help us deter a election being stolen..again. Q says the military is the only way…that’s exactly right.
Arizona is facing localized fraud across the state. Not enough ballots at red voting sites, not enough poll workers that slow down voting and disenfranchise repubs and voters throwing rocks at observers on the White Mountain Apache Reservation.
now what are they going to do about it..........probably not a damn thing...most of these addresses are either burned out or uninhabitable most likely.......
How can this keep happening??
Because nothing was done about election fraud. There were some gains. But as I’ve kept saying, laws were passed, laws are being broken. Just like last time. No one to enforce. Without enforcement, it doesn’t matter what laws are made. Until we have enforcement, this will never change. We’re you at military? On the governments payroll? Yeah that’s what I figured.
You forget Elon has opened a community to report evidence of voter fraud WITHOUT censorship
I didn’t forget that. Ok so report it. Show video of it. Take pictures. Find names and plates. And then what? Call the police? They are doing nothing. So again, without enforcement, reporting crimes doesn’t matter. We are counting on a corrupted system to help us deter a election being stolen..again. Q says the military is the only way…that’s exactly right.
The Million dollar question remains to be answered:
Will we even have an election on Nov. 5?
Or will we see 10 days of darkness?
Reach the precipice?
Hear the final confirmation message:
My Fellow Americans, The Storm is upon us!
Of course they are gonna attempt to steal multiple states
Arizona is facing localized fraud across the state. Not enough ballots at red voting sites, not enough poll workers that slow down voting and disenfranchise repubs and voters throwing rocks at observers on the White Mountain Apache Reservation.
I’ll come check again when you have truly “verified” voter fraud! Said every voter fraud expert daily for 47 months!
now what are they going to do about it..........probably not a damn thing...most of these addresses are either burned out or uninhabitable most likely.......
Hey all you pearl clutchers, it has to be this way so all of America sees it
One for each pronoun? They/Them…. How many people are in their head?
If you have this then the white hats have it too. Spaceforce....
29 counts of illegal voting.
Oh, I thought if we had voter ID, our elections would be secure.
Its always these dense ethnic inner cities with problems. A pattern thats hard to ignore
We’re living in an occupied nation.