Total US population: 346,043,244 - 72,832,861 (those under 18 years of age) - minus 4,400,000 (those ineligible due to felon status) = 268,810,383 (total adult age citizens eligible to vote).
That's 93%! Come back and vote, then you can leave! Don't forget your coat!
I just wonder how many people will question voter turn out well in excess of 100% registered voters. I mean once the illegal immigrants and the Civil War veterans vote, we should hit some record numbers. I'm talking US Fruit Company numbers; so high it's bananas.
250 divided by 331 is approximately 0.7553
US population is 346,043,244
250,000,000 / 346,043,244 = 0.7225
So actually it's 72.25%
Sorry for being pedanitic. I'll see myself out.
(Just kidding)
You should be thrown out for thinking we know what pedantic means
Yeah, I’m pedantic (only one i) too….😉.
Wonder how many millions are '6 feet under' too. :-(
Let's be a little pedanticifery.
Total US population: 346,043,244 - 72,832,861 (those under 18 years of age) - minus 4,400,000 (those ineligible due to felon status) = 268,810,383 (total adult age citizens eligible to vote).
That's 93%! Come back and vote, then you can leave! Don't forget your coat!
I just wonder how many people will question voter turn out well in excess of 100% registered voters. I mean once the illegal immigrants and the Civil War veterans vote, we should hit some record numbers. I'm talking US Fruit Company numbers; so high it's bananas.
That was a big comm,for us.
To big to rig.
We need to get ready to mine salt.
Directly from Dan the Man.
He wanted us to see this.
Ready ....
I thought the same thing
I could be wrong, but 250,000,000 is about our population if you only count U.S. citizens.