Went to bed late. Got up too early. Body rhythm is on the old time schedule. But remembered what today was seconds after I woke up, like I would remember it was Christmas morning as a kid. First prayer before I left the bed.
Well, it's likely correct assuming as we all do that there is a "plan" and the military is the "only way".
We can't have a Trump win in what the masses will feel is a fair election with some minor cheating. We have to have Trump LOSE with everyone thinking he'll win. How else do the masses feel outrage about an election steal? How would there be an impetus to change election laws? He has to lose, not permanently, but with some sort of way for the steal to be revealed and reversed, or even another vote with just paper ballots, either through the military/space force or perhaps some SCOTUS ruling. I certainly don't know the plan, but I do know that one outcome is supposed to be election law changes. Maybe those could be implemented after a win outright without all the other fuckery described above taking place. But my guess is that we go through a lot of drama and trauma before we get to see Trump back in the oval office.
We can't have a Trump win in what the masses will feel is a fair election with some minor cheating.
That was the reason 4 years ago, but not anymore.
We have to have Trump LOSE with everyone thinking he'll win.
Again: This was 2020.
An alternative for this year is when Trump wins 80% to 20% at what point everyone will start asking - what was a real split 4 years ago? Have Americans had to go through the last tough 4 years or it could be avoided if the cheating was addressed properly in 2020?
Then: Imagine MSN declaring an election theft in 2024 while the courts start dropping verticts about an election theft in 2020. Who the people would believe? The courts or the media? Would the media start to divide people? We know the answer. Would military get involved? Would Trump be insulated and presented as out of power yet (before January, for the optics)?
If he loses to the cheating, I don’t see anyway the DS gives up the Presidency. They control the military. In a previous post it is even reported they didn’t give out absentee ballots to the military. I don’t see any way they give it up without civil war.
Group prayers tomorrow. All are welcome to join in. Lets send Good Energy in all directions with prayer.
God is in control.
Amen, I always give thanks in prayer for this.
Always has been!
I'll be there with everyone in Prayer! 🙏
Thank you to you and your dear husband . It is truly appreciated along with everyone that joins us.
Of course brother, it's our honor!
Amen, I also feel honored that we can come before God in prayer.
Amen brother
I like specific times as well. Magnify our prayers as a big group. Alternatively we can pray many times during the day.
Went to bed late. Got up too early. Body rhythm is on the old time schedule. But remembered what today was seconds after I woke up, like I would remember it was Christmas morning as a kid. First prayer before I left the bed.
Something is coming soon. But when is still the question. best to be prepared .
Well, it's likely correct assuming as we all do that there is a "plan" and the military is the "only way". We can't have a Trump win in what the masses will feel is a fair election with some minor cheating. We have to have Trump LOSE with everyone thinking he'll win. How else do the masses feel outrage about an election steal? How would there be an impetus to change election laws? He has to lose, not permanently, but with some sort of way for the steal to be revealed and reversed, or even another vote with just paper ballots, either through the military/space force or perhaps some SCOTUS ruling. I certainly don't know the plan, but I do know that one outcome is supposed to be election law changes. Maybe those could be implemented after a win outright without all the other fuckery described above taking place. But my guess is that we go through a lot of drama and trauma before we get to see Trump back in the oval office.
That was the reason 4 years ago, but not anymore.
Again: This was 2020.
An alternative for this year is when Trump wins 80% to 20% at what point everyone will start asking - what was a real split 4 years ago? Have Americans had to go through the last tough 4 years or it could be avoided if the cheating was addressed properly in 2020?
Then: Imagine MSN declaring an election theft in 2024 while the courts start dropping verticts about an election theft in 2020. Who the people would believe? The courts or the media? Would the media start to divide people? We know the answer. Would military get involved? Would Trump be insulated and presented as out of power yet (before January, for the optics)?
I agree. We will have to go through the Martial Law to restore the Constitutional Republic. The Military was the only way.
Sadly I agree. We were promised a near-death experience. Trump 'loses' and the military are forced to step up for the Republic.
If he loses to the cheating, I don’t see anyway the DS gives up the Presidency. They control the military. In a previous post it is even reported they didn’t give out absentee ballots to the military. I don’t see any way they give it up without civil war.
Step 1 count votes.
Step 2 Trump wins big.
Step 3 dems loose their shit and start riots.
Step 4 Martial law.
Step 5 the DS tries to use this to stay in power.
Step 6 woodchipper.
Time for arrests and trials.
Would they force the Jab on the Bad Military ?
Drama queen attention whore.
Clickbait garbage. It's all Fox has at this point. Ditto CNN, MSDNC, NYT, etc.
What is he babbling about?
I hate Faux News.
About doing votes counts and deciding on Martial law.
I listened to it but what is he eluding to?
Appears that decision is pending .
Thank you.
No thanks needed.