Throwing a temper tantrum akin to a two-year old, because that's the level of their mental development. Every time I see libturds behaving this way I'm reminded of the great P.J. O'Rourke:
“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
― P.J. O'Rourke
Good quote. I see them when we were housing the homeless in Portland/Vancouver area.
Some of these people were so entitled they threw a tantrum when I told them they cannot take food out of the kitchen per church policy. OMG, the mom went off the deep end and started screaming at me saying how the church members act so high and mighty because she is homeless and churches are just mean people and on and on. I thought her boyfriend was going to come and beat me so I started to film.
Wow, this guy needs to walk out the door, for his own safety.
It's so funny.
That's an older video. I saw it maybe 6 months ago the first time. Can't remember where I saw it but it wasn't on twitter.
Oh. I seen it only the first time. Crazy ass thing.
Bloody Hell! That creature is beyond crazy. She needs psychiatric help urgently!
Or a priest and an exorcism
You're on the money fren. She needs a bath in Holy water!
Oh I know. To bash her head against the wall.
If that was her boyfriend/husband filming her, he probably saved himself from an assault charge with evidence like that!
You couldn't trust her!
I was wondering about this.
Men have to be very careful with crazy women. She can injure herself and then claim the man assaulted her.
Her injuries and her story may appear believable to the Police and the Prosecutor.
The man then finds himself involved in a very expensive legal nightmare that may result in a conviction and a jail sentence.
A man's worst nightmare , and with all the TDS crazy women around now, some of them would love to get revenge on any man they can trap.
We have seen DJT facing those bogus charges and the bogus court cases.
You are so correct. Yes. It's true.
Thanks for the reminder.
Cheers fren. Say hello to your dogs for me!
Will do. My dogs are lovely. Well behaved too.
Someone call an exorcist.
For sale:
Exercise machine. Open box, brand new, never used...
Or trade for new door molding or glasses...
At this point, pity is all that crosses my mind for her. There are some very, very, VERY broken people, and they need our prayers and support.
Prayers always good.
Same. These people are victims of spiritual deception. God delivers amd its not funny to me to see them possessed and being harmed.
See what happens Larry?
Do you see what happens when you smoke monosodium glutamate?
Throwing a temper tantrum akin to a two-year old, because that's the level of their mental development. Every time I see libturds behaving this way I'm reminded of the great P.J. O'Rourke:
“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.” ― P.J. O'Rourke
Good quote. I see them when we were housing the homeless in Portland/Vancouver area.
Some of these people were so entitled they threw a tantrum when I told them they cannot take food out of the kitchen per church policy. OMG, the mom went off the deep end and started screaming at me saying how the church members act so high and mighty because she is homeless and churches are just mean people and on and on. I thought her boyfriend was going to come and beat me so I started to film.
Yeah. I know what it looks like personally.
And the Award goes to.... 🏆
Unfortunately, this is sad as there is something wrong with these people in all these types of videos.
I found her disturbing not because of craziness but because she doesn't know God.
She looks like she is going through a exorcism. Trump win is spontaneously cleansing the soul of the country? Lol
Yes. I believe exorcism looks about right.
Make Asylums Great Again
Dude cast out the devil spirit before it kills her.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood v