I truly believe there are more good then bad. Q said as much. With Trump being the big personality that he is...this allows others to play roles simply by attacking him. Almost instantly gaining acceptance from many on the left. With this in mind I'm sure there will be many people that we will be shocked are not as bad as we were led to believe. So who is your top choice(s) for the gold star in camouflage.
Interested to hear everyone's choices and if they can maybe a what role they had to play
I'm moving my answer to the comment section because it's apparently to crazy and driving the direction of discussion to much. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on their person
Pence, Comey are definitely not.
I think Jeff Sessions comes out of the woodwork.
Pence is a good one as well.
Curious why you think definitely not.
I saw too much and I think he's dirty especially after he was handed that token when he certified the elections.
our strategic advantage is much greater now than if we had won 2020. that makes it hard to rule out any of the players in that.
I would say Joe Biden and Kamala harris. Well, I should say the guy who is currently in the White House in saying he is Joe Biden is a good guy.
I can't help but wonder if Kamala Harris could be a good guy and has been preparing for this role for all her life.
I come to that conclusion, because if Joe Biden playing actor is a white hat, then it would mean that tamala is a white hat also. I don't get the impression that she is an actor like the one playing the role of Joe is though
This is actually a very interesting thought. It does make sense. Good stuff
i see it as 99% kayfabe, scripted and staged to confound our competitors around the world. That we allow everyone to express their opinions and criticize the leaders, with exponentially more freedom and rights than anywhere else, shows how weak the other world powers actually are.
Yes! Trust Sessions. Stealth bomber.
I have never considered sessions a bad guy. He kinda just disappeared. Only reason I wouldn't include him
Sessions has a surprise>>> https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/265/647/886.png
I don't know something tells me that.
I agree. Sessions was known as the Silent Executioner. I think they did a Number on him to make everyone think Trump fired him. Then he quietly went to do the job he does best...collect evidence on the criminals.. It's time to watch and wait for him to come out and show us what he has.
To me it’s perspectives. The “bad guy” image, but really a good guy goes to Putin imo. But from our perspective, no way he’s a bad guy. But to pretty much 80% of the country, he is. So I think that qualifies as a pick. I choose….Putin!
Putin is an excellent choice for the world stage. I was more asking about people WE think are bad but aren't as bad as we have been led. Many of us don't consider Putin bad like you said
Yeah that’s a tough one then..who we think is bad but secretly good. I feel I want to stick to one of Trump “bad choices” first time around. Which includes some guys we really don’t like at all now. Soft answer…Bill Barr. Feel that one is kinda noticeable (not really a deepstater) Hard answer, Pence. This guy received “the envelop”. He’s either deep deep cover, or just straight up bad guy.
Robert De Niro? Lol
Seriously though maybe Alex Baldwin
Haha kek ok that would be some crazy plot twist.
Alex Baldwin is a good one. Maybe the whole shooting incident was a frame job because people found out. Who knows. Good thinking though. I'm sure there will be some shockers
Yeah, that shooting was super suspicious. He shot a Russian spy? I tend to think he cut a deal and maybe that’s how he ends up with a prison sentence. But who knows.
Yeah that very well could be. It's interesting to think how much we see is actually an act vs people still not yet captured
OMG Comey....are you kidding me. The man is evil to the core.
Nope not kidding it was the one I listed. Feel free to play along we are only brainstorming on the fact that this is war and what we see isn't always what it is.
I understand but I can't think of a single one....fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and I'm the fool.
Ana Kasparian 😂
If you haven’t read The Art of War by now you’re missing some important information. There is a whole sections about spies, when to use, how to use, how to treat them, etc.
Would you be willing to share anything specific about that part. I have read it but forget exactly what it says about spies
This is a more succinct and modern translation but is pretty accurate. https://web.mit.edu/~dcltdw/AOW/13.html This site is the original with some side notes. https://suntzusaid.com/book/13
Now that the op is almost complete you can kinda go back and point to spies and why they had to be used.
Thanks fren
The only man I trust is Donald Trump. And I will keep a weary eye on him.
Schwarzenegger. Besides the Biden actors of course.
Mine is gonna be comey. Many might disagree. However something has always stood out to me. Years ago Trump said comey better pray we have no tapes or something along those lines. I remember comey telling the story and saying he didn't know what he meant but then days later it clicked and he documented everything. Just seemed strange to me. Could be wrong though.
Pompeo, one moment he was good, the next bad.
Trust Kansas, were we wrong on who/what Kansas is?
Did he really try and kill Assange?
Saw a picture on here the other day, barely recognized him, lost a lot of weight and I think he was on the Trump campaign?
Is he playing a role?
I don't trust him, but this movie is full of twists and turns!
Bill Maher, The squad, Bernie Sanders
The squad was my next choice actually. They are almost to crazy to be real haha.
Many may have been "flipped" during Trump's term or were double-agents? Trump's trust in people may have been strategic. Same with Q when saying to trust Sessions and Wray, etc. What we see the enemy sees too, but I'm convinced the movie will have a great ending. 182 Q Posts with "trust".