15 The same man who predicted Donald J. Trump's assassination attempt also predicts this. (www.youtube.com) posted 127 days ago by Eatzebug 127 days ago by Eatzebug +15 / -0 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
predicts what? this is over 40 minutes long
I'm at work and can't watch, but from the still image, I think he predicts he's going to catch a big fish.
starts watching at 30 mins.
Massive economic crash in 2025 and 350M dead from a new disease
yes^ and Deagel wouldn't be too far removed from the GG recommendations. so I don't think we're done yet. Q also said they're burning the 'temple down'
you don't 'fix' such a place, you demolish, and rebuild on a better foundation.
How many got the clot shot?
Powell just said he’s not leaving and can’t be fired so I expect the Fed is final boss. Aka Weimar America incoming g.
He probably made lots of predictions. Just because he got one right doesn't make everything else he says gospel.
The globalists might be planning things like what he's predicting but I'm predicting it's not going to happen.
The best is yet to come.