That's gang sign for 'we hate God'. Someday they'll throw their hands up, pleading for Him to show any mercy, even a drop of water, but alas, there is no remedy. They won't remember their gang signs on that terrible day.
are you guys... being serious? I fold my hands all the time the way Pence is doing it in that picture. Why the fuck do you think it's some secret symbol? Put your hands together the way Pence is doing it and YOU tell me if you're making some secret hand gesture. This is so stupid. Embarrassingly stupid.
Not sure - are all of his fingers folded together, or only the index and thumb? I think that is the deal with this pic. I normally interlace all the fingers when I hold my hands like that.
You can literally see his middle finger interlaced as well. You people make us look bad. The down votes just show many retarded simpletons are on our side.
Down votes - no offence but maybe it's the attitude. Notice how I said "Not sure" above like "Hey, maybe I need to look at this more before making a snap judgement. Perhaps someone sees something I don't."
Your response to that - lump me in with "You people make us look bad".
No one wants to be told "reread your original comment." either, however look at your tone. No wonder there are down votes. No one said "you're wrong" to you on this thread.
Fair enough. I'm just absolutely sick of all the moronic Flat Earth/lizard people/clones/JFK Jr is alive conspiracy bullshit. It has nothing to do with the movement and makes us look like the schizophrenic psychos that the left likes to paint us as. I have very little tolerance for people who poison the well with this nonsense, and it's a tactic that many glowies use to discredit us.
What we know in the West as "Yoga" is actually "Asana Yoga", one of 8 forms of Yoga prescribed in Hinduism. Asana means "pose". Each of the Yoga Asanas or poses invokes a different Hindu god and invites that spirit into the yoga practitioner. Mudra is the same thing except done with the fingers.
As a prior practitioner of Tai Chi, including forms such as Silk Reeling 纏絲功, Eight Pieces Brocade 八段錦, Microcosmic Orbit 小周天, and Internal Cultivation 內功, I advise you to stop practicing Tai Chi. There are many other ways of exercising that don't involve the occultism that I describe below.
Tai Chi is derived from and inseparable from Taoism, which is a religious and philosophical system that is opposed to the Bible. The core tenet of Taoism is the idea of "nondualism", which states that the entire universe is all just "one thing" (aka The Tao) and every duality we can see such as light and dark (aka Yin and Yang), are just complementary parts of the nondual Tao. Moreover, the Tao arose from Nothing (aka Wu). The goal of Taoism is to extinguish your ego (sense of being having an individual soul) and become dissolved into the Tao.
However, the Bible says that "God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all" (1 Jn 1:5). Jehovah the God of the Bible has not called His people to a "nondual" life of light and dark, but to be completely separated from spiritual darkness.
And, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen 1:1).
And, what Taoism calls "Tao" is actually just the created universe, and the Bible says "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." (1 Jn 5:19). But God is the creator of all things.
I experienced being born again when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. In an instant, I received something much greater and more profound than all the meditation and cultivation did for me. Pursue just Jesus and you will receive the same.
That's gang sign for 'we hate God'. Someday they'll throw their hands up, pleading for Him to show any mercy, even a drop of water, but alas, there is no remedy. They won't remember their gang signs on that terrible day.
What. How blatant.
Sorry, i be waxing apocalyptic in the morning times.
It's great to keep it on the forefront. I have been wanting to go to where the streets are made out of gold without potholes.
Ready to scarf down some leaves of healing.
That's DS signaling for "I sell my asshole for the fun of it."
Oh. That's probably it. Oh you dirty little mind. Howls.
Here is an interesting one...
Wow. You got the goods.
Hold of Baphomet Hand Free Standing Plaque
are you guys... being serious? I fold my hands all the time the way Pence is doing it in that picture. Why the fuck do you think it's some secret symbol? Put your hands together the way Pence is doing it and YOU tell me if you're making some secret hand gesture. This is so stupid. Embarrassingly stupid.
Not sure - are all of his fingers folded together, or only the index and thumb? I think that is the deal with this pic. I normally interlace all the fingers when I hold my hands like that.
You can literally see his middle finger interlaced as well. You people make us look bad. The down votes just show many retarded simpletons are on our side.
Down votes - no offence but maybe it's the attitude. Notice how I said "Not sure" above like "Hey, maybe I need to look at this more before making a snap judgement. Perhaps someone sees something I don't."
Your response to that - lump me in with "You people make us look bad".
No one wants to be told "reread your original comment." either, however look at your tone. No wonder there are down votes. No one said "you're wrong" to you on this thread.
Fair enough. I'm just absolutely sick of all the moronic Flat Earth/lizard people/clones/JFK Jr is alive conspiracy bullshit. It has nothing to do with the movement and makes us look like the schizophrenic psychos that the left likes to paint us as. I have very little tolerance for people who poison the well with this nonsense, and it's a tactic that many glowies use to discredit us.
The answer is here
But seriously...
Research "mudras" if you need to know so badly.
What we know in the West as "Yoga" is actually "Asana Yoga", one of 8 forms of Yoga prescribed in Hinduism. Asana means "pose". Each of the Yoga Asanas or poses invokes a different Hindu god and invites that spirit into the yoga practitioner. Mudra is the same thing except done with the fingers.
Wow. Appreciate that. I have never taken Yoga. I do practice Tai Chi though.
As a prior practitioner of Tai Chi, including forms such as Silk Reeling 纏絲功, Eight Pieces Brocade 八段錦, Microcosmic Orbit 小周天, and Internal Cultivation 內功, I advise you to stop practicing Tai Chi. There are many other ways of exercising that don't involve the occultism that I describe below.
Tai Chi is derived from and inseparable from Taoism, which is a religious and philosophical system that is opposed to the Bible. The core tenet of Taoism is the idea of "nondualism", which states that the entire universe is all just "one thing" (aka The Tao) and every duality we can see such as light and dark (aka Yin and Yang), are just complementary parts of the nondual Tao. Moreover, the Tao arose from Nothing (aka Wu). The goal of Taoism is to extinguish your ego (sense of being having an individual soul) and become dissolved into the Tao.
However, the Bible says that "God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all" (1 Jn 1:5). Jehovah the God of the Bible has not called His people to a "nondual" life of light and dark, but to be completely separated from spiritual darkness. And, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen 1:1). And, what Taoism calls "Tao" is actually just the created universe, and the Bible says "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." (1 Jn 5:19). But God is the creator of all things.
I experienced being born again when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. In an instant, I received something much greater and more profound than all the meditation and cultivation did for me. Pursue just Jesus and you will receive the same.
Interesting. I will look into that. I didn't know about the occult related to the Tai Chi or Tao.
Thanks for the info.
Learn something new every day. Thanks.
They're signaling it's a small club ... and you ain't in it.
Oh right. George Carlin was correct.
Didn’t we see DJT make the same hand gesture?
No. Triangle.
That is the symbol for tip of the spear when they make a triangle
Could be.
I meant same hand sign as Angela Merkel, etc.
Oh. I see what you meant.
Hasn't that got something to do with Freemasonry?
I don't know. I am just a brain-dead. LOL
Arthritis relief.
LOL. Good one.
Oh wow. Thanks.
Now I can believe this one.
Hiding extra AI fingers? Lol
You know. You might be right.
Didn't I hear the fallen angels inbreeding got 6 fingers? 2 Samuel 21:20, and 1 Chronicles 20:6
Everyone wants you to watch Thumb Wars, including Matt Gaetz?
Actually these may be referencing the scene in The Banshees of Inisherin where "the donkey" chokes on severed "fingers" and dies.
Who's sticking out like a sore thumb right now?
Howls. Sore thumb, that's a good one.
Its the sign of the star of remphran.
LOL. What?
Their fingers are twisted into different directions, like the points of a star.
Almost look as if they have 6 fingers each.