Yep same. In our little town we have one of these wingnuts working at the main gas station. Shaved her head, giving men dirty looks or won't regard them, overall asshole behavior. What did the random guy buying a soda and politely paying for his gas do to her exactly?
Yes. They are FULL of hate… this is the after cause of what we have allowed being down in a nation in decline.
The suicide rate is going to sky rocket. This is what I see in those people.
I see an ability no one else has. A courageous person who beguiled by satanic religion and who might pay the price of life because of their ruler.
They are potentially some of the most powerful people in the USA IF they can make their out of this torment they are in. Imagine them making it out of their torment and becoming something great… not all of them will unfortunately.
Get out of my head lol
I was just thinking this while I was coming home from town a min ago.
Someone poisoned the watering hole and these ppl swam in it. If they are strong enough to make this thing the "hill they die on", they MUST be strong enough to pull their heads out in the air and find the truth. It would take a desire to heal from the negativity. I pray they get there. Don't want to see anyone left behind.
In my opinion there is a line. Kind of difficult and easy to understand.
If a Church has a mission statement that proclaims they will do what the government tells them to do, that causes a conflict. The best example is of late with mask mandates and vaccine hysteria.
The Church and all USA Church’s had to make a decision. Those who opposed the government were being attacked behind the scenes and those who kneeled were allowed to flourish.
So the people of the church were deceived by the Church and those within the Church had that seen this had to make a decision to follow the leadership kneeling to the government or stand up.
I have two brothers on different spectrums of this situation. The one brother who goes to Church all of a sudden wants me to listen to his Pastor and such. Yet if I go to his churches social
Media page I can find they all wore masks.
Why would I go to a church who would have kicked me out of the church for not wearing a mask? Then the proclaiming that the mRNA is from God?
This church is only one example of the thousands of Churches across the USA that did the exact same thing.
So if I say lukewarm it is more inline with leadership and not the church goers.
To add many churches fly the lgbtq commie flag now.
The Church has become lukewarm and needs to Leadership. I suspect many Churches will be out of business because of this thing they did. I am not perfect nor am I judging anyone or any church. It is not my fault they did what they did. They should not try and make their last few years disappear, they should own it and such…
The thing is. IF A CHURCH persuaded people to get the mRNA under the disguise of following orders.. could they be liable for the damage they caused by following orders?
I’m genuinely concerned for the men in our country, the aqua tofana and hat pin ideas that the leftist women are floating is batshit crazy.
Yep same. In our little town we have one of these wingnuts working at the main gas station. Shaved her head, giving men dirty looks or won't regard them, overall asshole behavior. What did the random guy buying a soda and politely paying for his gas do to her exactly?
Hatred isnt always rational.
Every day poke your head inside and yell GOD BLESS EMPEROR TRUMP. WOMANS BODIES MY CHOICE HEIL MAGA then drive away
Yes. They are FULL of hate… this is the after cause of what we have allowed being down in a nation in decline.
The suicide rate is going to sky rocket. This is what I see in those people.
I see an ability no one else has. A courageous person who beguiled by satanic religion and who might pay the price of life because of their ruler.
They are potentially some of the most powerful people in the USA IF they can make their out of this torment they are in. Imagine them making it out of their torment and becoming something great… not all of them will unfortunately.
Get out of my head lol I was just thinking this while I was coming home from town a min ago. Someone poisoned the watering hole and these ppl swam in it. If they are strong enough to make this thing the "hill they die on", they MUST be strong enough to pull their heads out in the air and find the truth. It would take a desire to heal from the negativity. I pray they get there. Don't want to see anyone left behind.
They are not lukewarm - unlike most of the sheep
They are not lukewarm - they have been deceived
In my opinion there is a line. Kind of difficult and easy to understand.
If a Church has a mission statement that proclaims they will do what the government tells them to do, that causes a conflict. The best example is of late with mask mandates and vaccine hysteria.
The Church and all USA Church’s had to make a decision. Those who opposed the government were being attacked behind the scenes and those who kneeled were allowed to flourish.
So the people of the church were deceived by the Church and those within the Church had that seen this had to make a decision to follow the leadership kneeling to the government or stand up.
I have two brothers on different spectrums of this situation. The one brother who goes to Church all of a sudden wants me to listen to his Pastor and such. Yet if I go to his churches social Media page I can find they all wore masks.
Why would I go to a church who would have kicked me out of the church for not wearing a mask? Then the proclaiming that the mRNA is from God?
This church is only one example of the thousands of Churches across the USA that did the exact same thing.
So if I say lukewarm it is more inline with leadership and not the church goers.
To add many churches fly the lgbtq commie flag now.
The Church has become lukewarm and needs to Leadership. I suspect many Churches will be out of business because of this thing they did. I am not perfect nor am I judging anyone or any church. It is not my fault they did what they did. They should not try and make their last few years disappear, they should own it and such…
The thing is. IF A CHURCH persuaded people to get the mRNA under the disguise of following orders.. could they be liable for the damage they caused by following orders?
As a woman I'd love to show up in full MAGA gear
that's why more men will conceal/carry.....