Show this to the idiots that think Trump makes 'Illuminati hand gestures'
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Sometimes hands just be hands.
Its just a counter to the false claim that Trump is a part or a fan of the Illuminati Cool Kids Club
Yep. I hear you.
It’s probably comfortable. We all have things we do when we don’t even notice we are doing them.
I think it's just something natural to do with your hands. Men have then ascribed "special meanings" to these natural positions, but they're meaningless. It only means something if you intend it to, but that doesn't override it's original intent, which is to rest your hands in a comfy position that also doesn't look slobbish.
Actually Andrew Tate does this in interviews.
All the time, even when he was getting falsely arrested he was doing it while handcuffed to his brother
The handcuff one was obvious. Also during the entire Tucker interview. And no one says a word. Trump does the upside down pyramid which understandable
Andrew Tate is famous for it as well..
It could also be an upsidedown "illuminati triangle" in my opinion
i've thought that too....a yuge FU to illuminati, same when he wears a purple tie
I practice yoga, this is one of 100's of mudras. Each one has a different intention.
Oh nice!! I notice Trumps is a bit different tho, with all fingertips touching.. Is that something different? People don't realize the energy that actually flows through those points of the body and how completing those circuits completes those circuits..
Yes! We are electro magnetic beings. Our fingers complete different circuits. This is ancient knowledge from Vedic culture. Each finger represents an element, Thumb = Fire, Index=Air Middle=Space, Ring =Earth, Pinky= Water By manipulating the fingers in specific ways, one can balance the energies within the body and mind.
nice thought... but its not the way Trump holds his hands while sitting. I do something similar in the Toilet.