Frogs! Check your webcams! We see you sitting back in your slankets & all cozy, watching the missiles fly! Got your hot cocoa and popcorn? BECAUSE IT'S PRECIPICE TIME!
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That is a great vision! Frankly I'm not tired of WINNING, but I am getting tired of popcorn. LOL
I’ve got caramel coated popcorn, cheese flavored popcorn as well as other flavors on deck. Tallow fat to replace the butter. Come get some anon we gots a lot more winnin to do!
I made popcorn balls a few weeks ago. They were delicious. I felt like a kid eating them. But, I ate too many. It's the sugar I don't need. LOL, it's a pleasant dilemma to have while watching this very entertaining dismantling of the DS.
I love this!
If by watching missiles fly you mean Starship test flight 6 I'm ready to receive the transmission.
Ukraine is lobbing US missiles at Russia, so the story goes.
Thank you for the pic
That is a SNUGGLY, sir!
Bought my Frango hot cocoa mix last week!
What if that ship Musk launched into space today just happened to prevent a missile launch by Russia?
I came in here with promises of a precipice. Wen precipice? Where precipice? What precipice?
Here you go.