Traitors do exist, and always have. They’re almost certainly the vast minority.
You’re both overgeneralizing, so don’t worry about it, they’ll get taken care of, if they haven’t been taken care of already. That battlespace isn’t one we need to worry about.
I also don’t think what we are getting is actuals, but more likely narratives of what [they] were going to do.
So the people pushing the buttons are NOT americans?
NOT us military? You know, the military, that is supposedly the only way?
THERE ARE AMERICANS FIGHTING WITH THE NAZIS RIGHT NOW. And have been for the last 2.5 years. Some of them wore the uniform before, SOME ARE WEARING IT RIGHT NOW.
The us military, like every other fed institution in this country, is an utter disgrace. "I was following orders" is not an excuse.
But the fawning over 'veterans' and 'us military' needs to stop.
THEY are the ones doing the killing and helping the nazis. US military personnel fired those missiles. US command & military personnel assisted in the flight assignments & corrections. Or do you think Soros went there and pushed the button in person?
The russians are the adults in the room, so I am not concerned about the survival of this country. But the us mil is a disgrace.
my father and brother both served in active duty for the USA. my father was critically wounded in the Korean War and my brother fought in Desert Storm.
do you not think for one minute that i don't hate these global/cabal Mother F*#kers with my whole being?
my father carried a piece of shrapnel next to his heart for 65 years because they couldn't remove it. i watched as a child and through adulthood the PTSD he carried his whole adult life, i see the PTSD my brother carries to this day.
neither of those men would have ever signed up to fight for NAZI'S. that's right, my father and my brother both signed themselves up to fight for AMERICA during war time.
they were fooled as we were fooled so save your self righteous bull shit for your leftard family/friends. FUCK YOU!!!
I will FAWN over my father and my brother until the day i fucken die.
This may be true in the current state of affairs. But one can conclude based on your long, windbag, diahrrea of the fingers, excrement exhibited here; and as a Veteran myself -> You <- are a disgrace. Wtf have you done? What are you contributing other than random shit talking on a forum cozy keyboard warrior?
oh yep, i think Soros went there and pushed the button in person.
i wonder, if i could/would ask Soros really, really nice if he would personally put a boot up your ass, if he would do it? now that, i would find hilarious! and i just might FAWN all over him for that.
well it sure is/was an excuse for your libtard family/friends to alienate and bully everyone who didn't respond to 'their' demands during covid and inject themselves with the vaxx and 10 boosters. now they are shaving their heads for a sex "out". like anyone would want to fuck them anyways. they just gave our good men a way to figure out what NOT to even touch and to def stay away from.
YOU are a disgrace to this movement. not sure what country you are from, but i bet you are a disgrace to whatever country you were spit out on. maybe your mother should have just swallowed your father's 'injection'.
if i was a betting person, i'd bet you are one of the so called Americans fighting WITH the nazi's right freaking now. aren't you cunt????
not America. it's the POS globalists that are trying to take over the world.
Traitors do exist, and always have. They’re almost certainly the vast minority.
You’re both overgeneralizing, so don’t worry about it, they’ll get taken care of, if they haven’t been taken care of already. That battlespace isn’t one we need to worry about.
I also don’t think what we are getting is actuals, but more likely narratives of what [they] were going to do.
But we are so infiltrated by these scum. Scour the swamp!
So the people pushing the buttons are NOT americans?
NOT us military? You know, the military, that is supposedly the only way?
THERE ARE AMERICANS FIGHTING WITH THE NAZIS RIGHT NOW. And have been for the last 2.5 years. Some of them wore the uniform before, SOME ARE WEARING IT RIGHT NOW.
The us military, like every other fed institution in this country, is an utter disgrace. "I was following orders" is not an excuse.
We dont even know that this is true. They could be using starlink and have been given codes
it is NOT the American people. America has been hijacked. you want to kill 350 million innocent people because their government has been hijacked????
and NO i do NOT believe the people pushing the buttons are Americans. i believe they are Nazi, Khazarian POS that want WWIII.
No, and that's not going to happen.
But the fawning over 'veterans' and 'us military' needs to stop.
THEY are the ones doing the killing and helping the nazis. US military personnel fired those missiles. US command & military personnel assisted in the flight assignments & corrections. Or do you think Soros went there and pushed the button in person?
The russians are the adults in the room, so I am not concerned about the survival of this country. But the us mil is a disgrace.
my father and brother both served in active duty for the USA. my father was critically wounded in the Korean War and my brother fought in Desert Storm.
do you not think for one minute that i don't hate these global/cabal Mother F*#kers with my whole being?
my father carried a piece of shrapnel next to his heart for 65 years because they couldn't remove it. i watched as a child and through adulthood the PTSD he carried his whole adult life, i see the PTSD my brother carries to this day.
neither of those men would have ever signed up to fight for NAZI'S. that's right, my father and my brother both signed themselves up to fight for AMERICA during war time.
they were fooled as we were fooled so save your self righteous bull shit for your leftard family/friends. FUCK YOU!!!
I will FAWN over my father and my brother until the day i fucken die.
This may be true in the current state of affairs. But one can conclude based on your long, windbag, diahrrea of the fingers, excrement exhibited here; and as a Veteran myself -> You <- are a disgrace. Wtf have you done? What are you contributing other than random shit talking on a forum cozy keyboard warrior?
oh yep, i think Soros went there and pushed the button in person.
i wonder, if i could/would ask Soros really, really nice if he would personally put a boot up your ass, if he would do it? now that, i would find hilarious! and i just might FAWN all over him for that.
well it sure is/was an excuse for your libtard family/friends to alienate and bully everyone who didn't respond to 'their' demands during covid and inject themselves with the vaxx and 10 boosters. now they are shaving their heads for a sex "out". like anyone would want to fuck them anyways. they just gave our good men a way to figure out what NOT to even touch and to def stay away from.
YOU are a disgrace to this movement. not sure what country you are from, but i bet you are a disgrace to whatever country you were spit out on. maybe your mother should have just swallowed your father's 'injection'.
if i was a betting person, i'd bet you are one of the so called Americans fighting WITH the nazi's right freaking now. aren't you cunt????