I've had this pic for a few years, I find myself looking at it more now, thoughts?
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"But of that day and hour no one knoweth, not the angels of heaven, but the Father alone." Matthew 24:36
I also love this one,
Acts 1:7
And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.
Edit: here's what I feel a lot of people get caught up on and mistaken, I have a family member I have debated with about this for years. There is a difference between wisdom/knowledge of revelation/signs and seeking signs of the seasons/times. If we are seeking the signs, we are not seeking Christ. We are to seek Christ, while understanding the times. In the same way the pharisees missed Jesus, for they knew all of the signs better than anyone, but they were seeking their own victory, power and authority. They missed His actual victory 🙏
Pastor at the church I go to HATES eschatology and always brings up this verse to shut down even the slightest discussion of it 😆
Prophesy is not intended for us to use to predict future events! Instead: "future proves past" prophesy, when it has happened.
In addition, we know that prophesy is a WARNING, which can be lessened or altered by prayer and repentance -- which is the reason for it.
Prophecy can be used to predict future events- look at the Christians in Jerusalem in 70 AD heeding Jesus warning about "fleeing to the hills." Eusibius notes that no Christians died in the fall of Jerusalem as a result
Well I’d been leaving and dusting my feet off on the way out the door. If you are not in a Church that teaches end times then ask yourself why not. We are living in these times; prophecy is pointing to that. Your eternal life and that of your family may depend on it.
We will not know, that is true. But we were told we'd know it is near from the signs of the times and to be ready. Jesus tells us this. Read Matthew 24. I'll share parts of it.
I think there is a group of people out there right now who are trying to make it look like the end times.
But where is the line when all of what is happening is actually what God wants to happen and is making happen that way? God puts it in their minds after-all to do such things.
Revelation 17:12-14
Revelation 17:17
Nice. Thanks for the share!
What if it is a (human) plan, not a prophecy?
Interesting mental thought exercise.
Glad to see I’m not the only that has considered this.
It’s interesting that many Arab countries flags are the Red, Black and Green. Just like the horses. Maybe it’s just me?
Fifth Seal was covid-19, Biden, etc.
Sixth Seal is happening right now. "Great Earthquake" is metaphor for the destruction of the old guard and creating its replacement. Stars falling from heaven are missiles representing the Ukraine/Russian, Israel/Palestine wars. The black sun was the Solar Eclipse in April 2024, The blood moon is a lunar eclipse coming March 2025. The heavens receding like a scroll is God's final harvest before the end.
And Pluto in Aquarius just like the American and French Revolution.
Oceans and rivers turn red, that can happen like a red tide. That could kill off all the sea.
Thanks this is handy.
The world is always going to hell in a handbag, just a different day
Here's the fastest summary of my view. The progression of judgments is well depicted. The various lengths of events are hotly debated but that's what allows us not to nitpick about them.