25 Dietz Nuütsen DECODE 💥🤯 You know... Q says nothing is random. Zero chances this is not staged. It's too perfect. But, why??? Deitz Nuützen painting from 1721? Deitz Nuützen = 1703 [-1721] = 18 / R=18 Look at drop #1703??!!! >> [RR] << (twitter.com) posted 111 days ago by Joys1Daughter 111 days ago by Joys1Daughter +28 / -3 21 comments share 21 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Deez Nutsen was an AI 4chan troll
there is no Deez Nutsen artist from 1721 😂
I know...It was set up for a comm..look at drop 1703
A comm of what? What are we comming here? Are you saying Q team dropped this on 4chan as a comm?
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Can you write up a succinct text which takes me through the logic of this, from beginning to end?
u/FractalizingIron u/qanaut plz halp 😭
Obviously AI. I think OP is trying to shore up a case for the img drop being done purposely...
Even if the meme is a zeitgeist plant and nod from on high, this gematria stuff doesn't reinforce that idea.
Sometimes a meme is something more and from somewhere other than organic origin. Most of the time though, it's just a cool meme.
My phone battery is about to die but this account uses gematria and she believes this was staged on purpose.
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It looks like the painting is a fake creation. Have any Anons managed to find this image from before this year?
Tin eye cannot find the image.
Yeah its seeming more and more like a fake image.
And the name - sheese - deez nuts ??
I know bb 😸
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Deitz Nuutzen is my new lawyer...
Also, Dutch does not have an ü. It's regular u is pronounced ü. The German u sound, the Dutch write as "oe" (oo in English).
I did not even have to google anything to know this was fake/comms.
It does not require searching the web (or analyzing Dutch) to figure out that an artist named "Deez Nuts" was a troll / comms of some sort... and yet, people took it seriously. They must be vaxxed.
Good to know fren!
Thank you, joys1daughter. I tried to talk about it and no one could get past the surface. Something about this means more.
Guess we'll see Becky..