I’ll occasionally point out, “hey, check out how bad I’m having my sovereignty trod upon!”
“Guess how effective that is.”
Unlike others who point this out, I’m also trying to figure out how to fight back, cause these people don’t get to win, and none of these demons actually gives a damn about injustice, it’s just a useful tool to them.
…And when I say “demons”, I’m actually not certain that they aren’t just animated flesh husks with demonic animating forces in them. Devil ain’t exactly known for having sympathy or honor.
We have to take back control of power, then safeguard sovereignty. Running isn’t an option anymore. No more suburbs. No more fleeing to other countries. Stand and FIGHT. Peacefully.
And when I say “demons”, I’m actually not certain that they aren’t just animated flesh husks with demonic animating forces in them. Devil ain’t exactly known for having sympathy or honor.
My thinking has changed a bit on this. I used to think all the dark stuff was a "coincidence." Then, I thought it had to be planned out. Now, I think it might be a third option.
Consider the concept of "Pride Month" -- the use of that specific term.
What do you get when you put the two words together?
Now ... what are the odds that someone came up with that on purpose vs. by accident?
At first, I thought it had to be on purpose. But that takes a lot of thinking and a lot of trying different combinations of words for the purpose of promoting a hidden message.
Was it purely accident?
Or ... was it that the people who came up with it did so because there is some force within them that made it come out of them? Could such people be satanic by their nature? If so, it would make sense that they would just come up with something random, which also happens to have a dark, hidden message within.
I found something similar with 9/11. I won't go into the full analysis, but I noticed that using the flight numbers, the date, and Building 7, you get a series of numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, with an extra 11. This is using a number system where 13 is the highest number.
Why use this system? Because I think it is used to send messages hidden in plain sight.
What are the odds that this specific series of numbers would be by accident? What are the odds they could arrange it on purpose?
Then, I converted the numbers to letters of the alphabet, rearranged them, and came up with "KEK MAGIC." I looked that up, and it is satanic.
Again, what are the odds that these particular combinations of airline flight numbers, etc. could spell out something satanic?
Planned? That would be a huge thing to arrange, in addition to the operation itself.
Coincidence? Am I just seeing things that are not there?
Or is there some sort of spiritual element -- in this case, something dark -- that made the planners carry it out in this way?
What about the JFK job?
Lee Harvey Oswald = LHO = HOL = Hole in the head.
My imagination?
Trump shot at, turned head at precisely the moment necessary -- to the millisecond -- and walks away with a small cut on the ear, just in time to win an election that could change the world.
It is hard to believe that things like this could be intricately planned. It is also hard to believe that it is nothing but coincidence.
Maybe it is deeper than what we can see on the surface.
We have to take back control of power, then safeguard sovereignty. Running isn’t an option anymore. No more suburbs. No more fleeing to other countries. Stand and FIGHT. Peacefully.
We also have to identify the enemy, and separate ourselves from those who would do us harm.
In the Bible, God told His people to be Holy.
In Hebrew, "holy" means to set apart, or to separate.
History has demonstrated, again and again and again ...
If there are non-White races in the world who would like to leech off the success and accomplishments of the White race, one strategy they might use would be to convince Whites to not look at race, to make them think there are no differences; all the while, they themselves do nothing but focus on race as a means of gaining unearned advantages.
Look at the Japanese. They have a long history of being a very Japanese-centric society. It has served them well, until recently when the non-Japanese influences have infiltrated with evil propganda, similar to what has happened in White societies. As a result, they are weakening as a people.
They aren’t just after white people dudes I wish people would stop saying this!
I guess you're right
I wonder why
I think VICTIMIZATION is for emotional people. You now have white men sounding like black men.
How long have black men been acting like VICTIMS? Aren't you tired of black Victimization?
Always crying about how someone is out to get them? Aren't you sick of Victimization groups like BLM?
I’ll occasionally point out, “hey, check out how bad I’m having my sovereignty trod upon!”
“Guess how effective that is.”
Unlike others who point this out, I’m also trying to figure out how to fight back, cause these people don’t get to win, and none of these demons actually gives a damn about injustice, it’s just a useful tool to them.
…And when I say “demons”, I’m actually not certain that they aren’t just animated flesh husks with demonic animating forces in them. Devil ain’t exactly known for having sympathy or honor.
We have to take back control of power, then safeguard sovereignty. Running isn’t an option anymore. No more suburbs. No more fleeing to other countries. Stand and FIGHT. Peacefully.
My thinking has changed a bit on this. I used to think all the dark stuff was a "coincidence." Then, I thought it had to be planned out. Now, I think it might be a third option.
Consider the concept of "Pride Month" -- the use of that specific term.
What do you get when you put the two words together?
Now ... what are the odds that someone came up with that on purpose vs. by accident?
At first, I thought it had to be on purpose. But that takes a lot of thinking and a lot of trying different combinations of words for the purpose of promoting a hidden message.
Was it purely accident?
Or ... was it that the people who came up with it did so because there is some force within them that made it come out of them? Could such people be satanic by their nature? If so, it would make sense that they would just come up with something random, which also happens to have a dark, hidden message within.
I found something similar with 9/11. I won't go into the full analysis, but I noticed that using the flight numbers, the date, and Building 7, you get a series of numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, with an extra 11. This is using a number system where 13 is the highest number.
Why use this system? Because I think it is used to send messages hidden in plain sight.
What are the odds that this specific series of numbers would be by accident? What are the odds they could arrange it on purpose?
Then, I converted the numbers to letters of the alphabet, rearranged them, and came up with "KEK MAGIC." I looked that up, and it is satanic.
Again, what are the odds that these particular combinations of airline flight numbers, etc. could spell out something satanic?
Planned? That would be a huge thing to arrange, in addition to the operation itself.
Coincidence? Am I just seeing things that are not there?
Or is there some sort of spiritual element -- in this case, something dark -- that made the planners carry it out in this way?
What about the JFK job?
Lee Harvey Oswald = LHO = HOL = Hole in the head.
My imagination?
Trump shot at, turned head at precisely the moment necessary -- to the millisecond -- and walks away with a small cut on the ear, just in time to win an election that could change the world.
It is hard to believe that things like this could be intricately planned. It is also hard to believe that it is nothing but coincidence.
Maybe it is deeper than what we can see on the surface.
We also have to identify the enemy, and separate ourselves from those who would do us harm.
In the Bible, God told His people to be Holy.
In Hebrew, "holy" means to set apart, or to separate.
History has demonstrated, again and again and again ...
When we follow that command, we have peace.
When we don't, we have turmoil.
Makes sense.
We're not crying. Were redpilling our people reminding them of our history, and the lessons we forgot due to propaganda.
You responded too fast because you didn't follow the links.
I guess truth hurts rabbi.
No one cares dude.
Why did Trump win?
Trump is a singal that people are TIRED OF IDENTITY POLICTICS.
People care about common sense such as
That's what people care about the most. They care for their family and themselves.
The average white doesn't care about "White History". They care about putting food on the table and basic common sense needs.
All the IDENTITY bullshit has to go. No one cares!
People voted for Trump to REJECT identity politics.
I agree.
If there are non-White races in the world who would like to leech off the success and accomplishments of the White race, one strategy they might use would be to convince Whites to not look at race, to make them think there are no differences; all the while, they themselves do nothing but focus on race as a means of gaining unearned advantages.
Look at the Japanese. They have a long history of being a very Japanese-centric society. It has served them well, until recently when the non-Japanese influences have infiltrated with evil propganda, similar to what has happened in White societies. As a result, they are weakening as a people.
I’ve pointed out that there are actually multiple migration crises in South America, too. Lots of people don’t want to hear it, though.
I’d wager Africa and Asia have the same issues going on, but don’t know anything about them.
The U.N. Global Migration compact is global. Why? Mass migration is destabilizing, and it’s easier to grab power in the middle of instability.
Well said!