52 UNDER BUDGET. AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. (twitter.com) 🤡 CLOWNS 🤡 posted 73 days ago by Qtoad 73 days ago by Qtoad +52 / -0 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
You can't fix stupid, but eventually stupid fixes itself.
We'll show those magatards whose boss by not reproducing liberal kids into society!! That'll show them!!
I count that as a win.
With testosterone levels that low and Pfizer boosters destroying the sperm they don’t really need a vasectomy.
Shhhh...let them have their "win."
This was apparently a condition some women wanted after the election.
Having a good time is more important than preserving your bloodline. Can't even say sorry to their ancestors when they die because they won't be going to heaven with that mindset.
While it's sad aleasy we won't have more retards reproducing more retards
Too bad it’s not permanent