All heaven rejoices when an awful sinner is saved, Lord Jesus did not come here to save the righteous, he came to save the sinners, the sinners need salvation badly. Praise the Lord.
If anyone thinks this gets fixed without God's help and people turning to Him by way of Christ then they are mistaken. A turning away from God was the problem, turning back is how its fixed.
I am crying my eyes out right now. Last weekend, in my little tiny town, 11 people came to the Lord and 9 were baptized. Four of them were my grandchildren. The two that didn’t get baptized yet need parental permission. They are young men that are on the same Pop Warner football team as one of my grandsons. There IS a revival going on and I’m so happy to be a part of it. Congratulations to these men! All praise and glory is God’s!
IMHO Those that fake conversion for parole will only be back there because nothing has changed for them. Those who have had a sincere experience may still stumble because it is a journey to become more like Jesus and not an easy one. Those who however have met their Lord and allowed his good work within are often those who fight the hardest against darkness because they have experienced the dark and know its depths. That’s just those who have the option of parole there are individuals who will never leave prison and through salvation change themselves and the prison. We can’t know hearts it is only our job to testify and give the opportunity and we can’t allow those who misuse the opportunity to put obstacles in the way.Look how often our Lord takes broken lives and the worst people and raises up miracles and Saints. Prison ministry is a powerful weapon in the hands of angels.
I hope this newfound faith is sincere and that they are not gearing up to play the "I've seen the light" card at their next parole board hearing.
The main problem with those who have a truly deep relationship with God is that they see the world through the prism of their faith and believe the best of everyone.
Those of us who have a more pragmatic view of religion believe in God but are less apt to take things at face value.
I HOPE the deeply religious are right. But do I think hundreds of prisoners in San Quention found God around the same time? Some may have -- but my suspicion is that these poor folks in the ministry are being told exactly what they want to hear. People who end up in prison are not noted for their veracity. I hope the good people in the ministry do not end up disillusioned. We still need idealists in the world.
It's not about religion, it's about a RELATIONSHIP with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Satan's uses religion, his MOST powerful trick to keep God's people from knowing, we have been Saved by the BLOOD of Jesus, not by works, NOTHING we can do to earn Heaven. God's command "Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of HER my people,'so that you will not share in HER sins, so that you will not receive any of HER plagues". Revelation 18:4
Do you believe these hundreds of prisoners all found God during the same period of time? If you do, I admire your ability to have faith and see the best in people. I'm afraid my faith does not have the ability to stretch to that degree and I remain skeptical.
All heaven rejoices when an awful sinner is saved, Lord Jesus did not come here to save the righteous, he came to save the sinners, the sinners need salvation badly. Praise the Lord.
Movingly stated, my fellow traveler.
Good News is what we preach.
Was the bandana wearing guy from Duck Dynasty?
Yes, that is Willie Robertson
I love that
I was hoping one of the good old boys could be something in the administration. Like sec of education.
I love that. remember to keep prisoners in your prayer intentions. God is so good!
If anyone thinks this gets fixed without God's help and people turning to Him by way of Christ then they are mistaken. A turning away from God was the problem, turning back is how its fixed.
I believe we are quite like-minded, my fren!
We have a lovely 5 year delta today
I am crying my eyes out right now. Last weekend, in my little tiny town, 11 people came to the Lord and 9 were baptized. Four of them were my grandchildren. The two that didn’t get baptized yet need parental permission. They are young men that are on the same Pop Warner football team as one of my grandsons. There IS a revival going on and I’m so happy to be a part of it. Congratulations to these men! All praise and glory is God’s!
Thank you! I have seven more to get to the Lord. I will do my best.
Btw, good to see you again!
Now that’s God style winning 😍
IMHO Those that fake conversion for parole will only be back there because nothing has changed for them. Those who have had a sincere experience may still stumble because it is a journey to become more like Jesus and not an easy one. Those who however have met their Lord and allowed his good work within are often those who fight the hardest against darkness because they have experienced the dark and know its depths. That’s just those who have the option of parole there are individuals who will never leave prison and through salvation change themselves and the prison. We can’t know hearts it is only our job to testify and give the opportunity and we can’t allow those who misuse the opportunity to put obstacles in the way.Look how often our Lord takes broken lives and the worst people and raises up miracles and Saints. Prison ministry is a powerful weapon in the hands of angels.
This is beautiful. The look on their faces after! You can see the Lord!
Welcome to the light. Praise God.
I hope this newfound faith is sincere and that they are not gearing up to play the "I've seen the light" card at their next parole board hearing.
The main problem with those who have a truly deep relationship with God is that they see the world through the prism of their faith and believe the best of everyone.
Those of us who have a more pragmatic view of religion believe in God but are less apt to take things at face value.
I HOPE the deeply religious are right. But do I think hundreds of prisoners in San Quention found God around the same time? Some may have -- but my suspicion is that these poor folks in the ministry are being told exactly what they want to hear. People who end up in prison are not noted for their veracity. I hope the good people in the ministry do not end up disillusioned. We still need idealists in the world.
Anyone who is genuinely saved will know they must continue to do their time.
It's not about religion, it's about a RELATIONSHIP with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Satan's uses religion, his MOST powerful trick to keep God's people from knowing, we have been Saved by the BLOOD of Jesus, not by works, NOTHING we can do to earn Heaven. God's command "Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of HER my people,'so that you will not share in HER sins, so that you will not receive any of HER plagues". Revelation 18:4
Do you believe these hundreds of prisoners all found God during the same period of time? If you do, I admire your ability to have faith and see the best in people. I'm afraid my faith does not have the ability to stretch to that degree and I remain skeptical.
Time will tell, one thief on the cross was unchanged and the other was with His Lord in paradise
Chills! God is Great!
Who's crying? I'm not crying.
I want to see the Democrats dismantled and destroyed so this timeline can never happen again.
Is the parole board meeting soon?
Why did they bring him back up?... they had him.