None of this was new.
I just read a book from the seventies about an "elite club where members of the British government practiced exotic sex acts and were filmed in the act such that they were compromised and compliant to the orders of a group of continental europeans."...
The “club”, that we’re not part of, wants the majority of “us” dead. And the rest of us (a much smaller, easier controlled population) under their thumbs as workers, slaves, sex toys, food, sacrifices, whatever. Yep, nothing new under the sun.
At the same time French billionaire Jaques Attali went of French TV explaining how a fake virus would be used to make the public demand a vaccine/cure ,that would infact be the poison used in population reduction.
None of this was new. I just read a book from the seventies about an "elite club where members of the British government practiced exotic sex acts and were filmed in the act such that they were compromised and compliant to the orders of a group of continental europeans."...
There’s nothing new under the sun.
I believe Stephen king's The Stand came first.
2011, movie Contagion.
1995, movie Outbreak.
2009, movie The Thaw.
2009, movie Carriers
Can't say they didn't warn us.
Check out the plot of the book "Rainbow Six" by Tom Clancy, a "friend of the CIA" (wink wink).
It's the same plot, as the real-life plot we lived through, of COVID19 > "Vaccine" = Result.
They killed him for that book. He was getting too close to the truth, probably by accident while doing research for his projects.
Quite possible.
The “club”, that we’re not part of, wants the majority of “us” dead. And the rest of us (a much smaller, easier controlled population) under their thumbs as workers, slaves, sex toys, food, sacrifices, whatever. Yep, nothing new under the sun.
At the same time French billionaire Jaques Attali went of French TV explaining how a fake virus would be used to make the public demand a vaccine/cure ,that would infact be the poison used in population reduction.
This reminds me of John Clancy's Rainbow Six written in 1998.
Heads of big pharma join with global elites to create the Shiva virus, a highly contagious and fatal alteration of Ebola.
The Olympic games are ground zero. The infected carry the virus to their home countries.
Big pharma creates a "vaccine" that is a delayed release of the virus to kill off the rest of the world population.
Elites buy huge plots of land in Kansas as a refuge to survive the pandemic.
So much of that echos Covid, even the fact that a main vector point was the military Olympics in China.
Fauci was busy with the AIDS epidemic about that time.
Books to prepare the population for what was coming.
You can't make this shit up.
Frank Herbert (of "Dune" fame) wrote a 1982 book, "The White Plague" about a virus that killed only women. The spreading vector was cash...