The attempts to get you to buy gold are off the charts! EVERY "conservative" TV and radio station has a different gold company running the ads, with the hosts claiming "X is the only company I trust". It seems like whenever there is a huge push for something like this, it is all part of a behind-the-scenes plan to rip off the average joe. My feeling is that if the SHTF and the economy collapses, what good will $100,000 in some gold company stock/fund do you? Is anyone else going to buy your $5,000 /oz gold? My theory is that this huge gold push is to drive the price of gold up to a point where the big boys DO sell out, make a killing, and leave everyone else scrambling to get out before it drops below what they bought in for. Please post your thoughts on this. Thank you.
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I agree.
Let me ask you... what do you think about having gold for the purpose of paying off a fixed rate mortgage if shtf? So, the dollar becomes fire kindling, but that doesn't mean I have a lot of it--my employer won't be paying me more. But if gold has gone to $10K per ounce or more, and I can walk into a bank and pay off my mortgage with it, then that would be smart, wouldn't it? I am asking, not telling.
Yeah, but your mortgage is still priced in Monopoly money so who cares about paying it off. Just use other Monopoly money.
The goal is to own the house, not maintain mortgage payments. And my employer won't be paying me more just because fiat is worthless.
I agree. I would also pay the bank in full once metals stabilize, but I would hold in the meantime.
“The Goldback solves a 2,600 year old problem in that gold can be spent in small, interchangeable increments.”
This invention has made gold useful as a trading instrument in amounts that are practical in real life.
More here: and here:
A friend of mine is kinda doing this...left CA and put a good bit of his house proceeds in PM to sit on it in the Midwest while (he hopes) interest rates come down and so do inflated property values. If for nothing else he's locked in his money for a while beating inflation.
I've personally looked at Eastern/Southern real estate in the past 20 years and prices have essentially quadrupled in those areas to capitalize on the flight from libtardia... it's most definitely greed and many of those places have lax building codes and bubba did the whole interior in hickory (walls, ceiling, floors - ever-y-thang including
cabinetscabinetry in EVERY room - also in hickory) - and things only a moron would buy like barndominiums on 3 acres under high tension power lines (always in last pic or two of showcase pics - suprise!!!) all for the low, low price of only like $800k...So it's really hard to say which way things are really going to go.
Will Trump open up federal lands for development? Will interest rates be a thing of the past? (Not sure they can be with the current investment schedules... many invest as mortgages etc) Any way you slice it something has to give because youngins can't afford a house and unlike when I grew up only one income was needed... before they tricked us into everyone working while they touched... I mean, took care of the kids.
What's the deal with hickory.? teach me please.
Slightly less expensive 'harder' wood that looks nice. Other than that, idk.
Thanks Phd
I have no guess is it's cheap and regionally readily available... and it's not soft "yella wood".
I imagined living in a place like that, getting up to piss in the middle of the night and not being able to figure out which way was up!!! There was no contrast at all - not even grain direction...
If the rate is fixed, just use cheap money.
I understand. But that assumes that I have more of the fiat dollars. Why would I have more of them, though? Let's say I make $5000 per month, and my mortgage balance is $250K. I can afford the payment. But, if I have a chance to cash in 25 gold coins worth $10K each (hypothetically) and suddenly own my house outright, wouldn't that be a good thing? And, in this scenario of hyperinflation where the dollar is so worthless that it costs $25 for one loaf of bread, that does not mean that my employer will be paying me more. I still have my $5000 per month. Obviously I could use the gold coins to cash in and get money to buy basics... but if I have enough, then I would want to buy my house and own it outright.
All of this is hypothetical, but this is how I'm thinking. I want to own my house.
Oh I see, you want to pay it all off with profits from the increased value of your metal.
That's what I was thinking. The mortgage is fixed, so my PM which have increased in value due to the decline of fiat value would be used to pay for a mortgage that is now woefully undervalued because it is fixed.
Of ocurse, if my employer keeps pace with the value of the dollarand is paying me 3 to 1, for example, that would also help with the mortgage but would also help with necessities. But I doubt this will happen.