Eye patch showing true colors.. Why is he speaking this way ? (Answer in comments)
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Eye was damaged in a glory hole mishap...
Glad I wasn’t drinking when I read this…classic…
His depth perception is crap…
He still bitter about Stein making a fool of him.
IED explosion. He may be a douchebag politician now, but he is still worthy of being respected as a vet.
There are generals far more worthy of derision than Patches O'Hulahan.
I would turn totally gay just to fuck that war whoreing cyclops' other one out
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/01/02/report-crenshaw-pelosi-mcconnell-goldman-among-top-2023-stock-traders/ Check this article out.. Cats out of bag......... Several establishment members of Congress were among the top lawmakers to successfully trade stocks in 2023, a report by Unusual Whales found Tuesday.
The findings raise concerns that many members of Congress trade stocks based on information unavailable to the public.
Some of the most notable establishment members to beat the market were:
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) — up 38.2 percent Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) — up 65.5 percent Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) — up 18.1 percent Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) — up 52.8 percent Rep. John Curtis (R-UT) — up 25.3 percent
What a fucking moron. You're there to serve. not earn an income. Congress people shouldnt be paid more than a per diem.
They should get paid the median incom of the state they represent
Great idea.
Imagine a country run by and for WE THE PEOPLE - whereby retired citizens would step up to serve voluntarily as statesmen, instead of merely enjoying endless rounds of golf, pickleball, and luxury cruises.
Do we have any role models for that? Kek.
Imagine a country NOT run by career politicians.
I nominate my husband. Retired engineer, Law Degree, MBA and years of experience. Totally no-nonsense guy, tons of integrity and honesty. Edit to add: has studied Constitutional Law extensively.
The makings of a statesman. Bring it on fren, your brilliant and talented other half is EXACTLY who should be helping steer the ship for We the People.
Spot on and term limits would end this crap regardless of what he said IMO !
And the state should be responsible for paying them. Not the federal government. That way, they remain responsible to the state they represent, and they can't vote themselves pay raises.
Love that idea
I love it if they want a raise they have a vested interest in making their state more prosperous.
Just build dormitories, a cafeteria and make a deal on business class seats. Stop the lobbying. Stop the parties. Stop being absent from votes. Stop screwing around.
They should have to clock in to get paid. We sent them there to do a job, not fuck around
They shouldn't get paid at all. They are there to serve and have careers outside of government service.
Butt hurt whinny bitch.
Politicians need body cams when on the clock.
If its good enough for law enforcement, its good enough for law makers...
Fantastic idea Rotor !
Why so bitter https://truthsocial.com/users/KarliBonne/statuses/113554923898743480 sauce
Random drug testing and yearly audits.
Yea.. that kind of is what public servants are. SERVANTS