We literally have Elon saying Q shit word for word and Trump retweeting/truthing Q shit, and those retards still think they're the smart ones? They do know they are the exact reason so many stupid kids end up going to leftism right? Just funny to me.
Comments (21)
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As many Frens here, I once was on that other site and even in its original subreddit. Since I found this very community, I have no interest neither getting back there or even discussing it. What used to have a virtous mindset now seem desolate to me. Welcome here.🙏🏻
Yes. Too much toxicity and stupidity to wade through. GA is a breath of fresh air in comparison.
Same here. I only go over there for memes.
Sound like the Cuckservative crowd in general. A bunch of FoxNews bros who have zero time for logic and reasoning, better than the Libtard crowd but still sheep to the MSM.
The last thing we need to do is fight among ourselves. FUCK THAT
How can we be on the same side if one cant identify the enemy?
(just in general, not necessarily about Patriots.win)
There are the some of the same bad actors on PDW that are here as well. I just can’t say, because if I do, I’ll get banned. There’s been an enemy behind the scenes, trying to destroy this forum. Over the last year or so we’ve lost many long time users, and the activity of new posts has dropped dramatically. But I stay here despite those who are trying to ruin this forum. I will never leave.
Yes I go to PDW daily as well… But I can spot the feds and the psyops a mile away. There are some good people at PDW, there are people that post Christian scriptures on the daily. There’s just a lot more fed activity over there.
There will always be enemies within our camps at PDW and GAW - it’s par for the course. Just like any social media outlet like Reddit, gab, truth, and now blue sky.
I understand you not wanting to name names.......does that really cause a ban?
either way ,What are your TIPPY TOP signs of the enemy type postings, beliefs.
Yes, naming names would get me permanently banned
At GAW, it’s not so much what’s posted, but what you’re not allowed to post. The censorship, and specific topics that a large percentage of GAW actually agree on, but specifically a mod does not. So you’re not allowed to discuss specific topics here. I understand it’s a Q forum, however, we discussed many conspiracy topics here, but some are not allowed. Why is that?
on PDW it’s very clear who the bad actors are. There are specific people that post news from around the world almost 24 seven. So it’s either a bot or AI or someone who is posting all this stuff, on a regular basis around the clock. Something that’s not humanly possible unless they’re on some type of crack or something. Then you have people spamming the board with either Islam hate, or Jew hate. It doesn’t matter which group, as long as people are arguing about it. That huge divisive topic. I could go on and on more about PDW but, it’s not worth my time.
I’ll give you one example on GAW today.
Rammstein1 -
Account: 4yrs
Post score:801
Comment Score:5515
There was a post about Mike Obama, and here is Rammstein1’s comment
I believe this to be some type of sleeper account that pops in every once in a while, to demoralize topics that we know to be true. EVERYONE knows Michelle is Michael.
Anyway, God bless you and have a great night. I gotta go walk the dog.
ok, Ill keep my eye out....appreciate the detailed response
Things were not allowed to discuss here, which are known about worldwide now.
I found this as a post on PDW. And one of the reasons that I go, there is for content like this, and also because you can still practice free speech on PDW.
And what I mean is they stubbornly hold grudges and refuse to criticality think based on new information. Their idea of parenting starts and ends with "I'm not hearing any of that" which with some things is totally fine, but to effectively parent in a world full of deception you must listen and confront your child's ideas, not shun them. That's why so many kids go lib in college, which literally could kill the country.
It’s literally a fed psyop, and so many of the posts and comments are fake and gay. I wouldn’t lump them all into one bunch, just like I wouldn’t do the same here.
There are some good people over there. Also, there are so many Christians, and you can actually post scriptures all day every day over there, where you can’t do that here. You can only do it in the general chat. So there is that!
That describes the typical leftist mindset ... Perhaps they're a bunch of leftists in disguise?
Just because Q is true doesnt mean its righteous. Could be like most of history where both sides are deeply flawed and have self interests that go against the will of the people. Read revelation!
As soon as we see mass arrests.... we'll believe it
I never waste time trying to convince people of Q.
It's not our mission.
Some people just want to be right, no matter what.
Deep State did quite the job labelling "QAnon" as conspiracy theory non-sense. So many good conservative, Trump supporting, republican for the right reasons people were swayed from even acknowledging Q or what the last 8+ years have been about. So many have been waking up lately because of the recent Q call-outs as well as just seeing stuff in general go this way, but not just "go Trump's way" but completely vindicating in so many ways from the failed Kamala campaign to Diddy and now all of his cohorts bailing the country. Still many aren't connecting the dots, but many are at least seeing more than they were.
It’s fallout from when the great awakening subreddit got banned. The Donald dom Reddit was scared they would also get banned so they went into overdrive in distancing themselves from Q by trashing and disavowing us.
That fear they suffered from Reddit still haunts them to this day and that is why they run from us and can’t bring themselves to accept what is right in front of their face. They made hating us a part of their culture.