Hopefully when GEOTUS gets into office, he will stop the chem trails being distributed across the country. I have noticed lately that on some days there are enough in the sky to almost block the sun. Trump hasn’t said anything about them that I know of, but let’s hope while the swamp is being drained the sky will clear too.
Comments (54)
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I thought Kennedy had said something about stopping this.
I think they are also spraying "Good" shit now..Instead of "Bad" shit..whatever that means?
Bwahaha "vitamins"!
Weather Manipulation and Cloud Seeding and Chem Trails HAARP
Geo engineering
Weather modification projects
Chemtrails - Chemistry Course 131 Manual - U. S. Air Force Academy Course 131, 1990 - Re-Imaged from Original for Greater Clarity. [L...
Photos from inside planes - proof
CIA JOHN BRENNAN Aerosol injections
Several states are banning chemtrails.
First few links from search: https://www.truth11.com/8-states-banning-chemtrails/
From my old Chemprints sub at reddit:
1978 Senate chemtrail report, 746 page: https://archive.org/stream/weatificat00unit/weatificat00unit_djvu.txt
http://www.intellicast.com/National/Wind/JetStream.aspx, Jet streams have no effect on chemtrails.
Michael J. Murphy & Scott Stevens on Geoengineering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zxkLI6Orxc
Meteorologist Scott Stevens on Geo-Engineering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lj2OPPqj-o
Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents http://climateviewer.com/2014/03/24/geoengineering-weather-modification-patents/
Climate Skepticism Has Lost Major Ground Among Weather Experts. http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2016/03/25/3763395/most-weathercasters-meteorologists-think-climate-change-is-real/
"Children present atmospheric crimes and danger" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o3dF17EROk&sns=tw
CONTRAIL vs CHEMTRAIL 101 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kcTvqiMNl8 Symptoms Resulting From Chemtrail
Spraying http://www.patriotfreedom.org/news_20110217_1756/symptoms-resulting-from-chemtrail-spraying/
Other web information sites about Chemtrails:
http://saive.com/WXMOD/NASA_National_and_Interdepartmental_Program_for_Weather_Modification_1966.pdf (PDF)
http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/virtualarchive/items.php?item=2390601002 (PDF)
http://csat.au.af.mil/2025/volume3/vol3ch15.pdf (PDF, Weather as a Force Multiplier)
http://irina.eas.gatech.edu/EAS8802_Spring2011/Report2009-aerosol-climate.pdf (PDF)
http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtmlpath=/prelim@title15/chapter9A&edition=prelim (PDF)
Recommended basic research terms: Geoengineering
Weather Modification
Stratospheric Aerosol Release (SAR)
Climate Engineering
Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
Add on the words 'research reports' to any of the terms listed above for more science-related search engine results.
Wow, this is fantastic. I’m gonna go through all this and edit it to my thread. 👏👏👏
RFK Jr mentioned this already
That's why he got banned from gaw.
While our government has owned up to all of the sky painting, news doesn't travel as fast here. This post may not last long.
Thank you for posting this. Because if I did, I would’ve been banned.
Yes, I agree 100%. Every day I walk out of my house to walk the dog, I see criss crosses in the sky, I see hazy clouds, descending, and then it’s overcast in the greater Phoenix area, and then it’s clear skies. Not one cloud to be found. I have not seen one regular authentic cloud in the sky since I’ve been back from Hawaii and that’s almost 6 weeks now. My mom who never gets sick, has been nothing but sick. When I came back from Hawaii, where there’s no chem trails at all in Kauai, I immediately got sick and I never get sick. They’ve been spraying Arizona incessantly day after today since before the election. I’m still sick to death of it. I actually pray to the Lord to kill the people who are in those airplanes, taking money to poison people. I kind of felt bad afterwards, but still not really. These people are evil. All it takes is some dollar bills and people are willing to poison one another. 🤷♀️😡
Happened in central florida yesterday in an perfectly clear day turned gray in 4 hours. You could watch the planes doing it. Crisscrossing and leaving 30 mile long trails that spread into full cloud coverage. Today is clear and no planes up yet. In Nevada you could know what Dayton the week it was by the chemtrails being painted in the sky.
Did they call you a chemtard when they banned you? 😂
Yeah Prolly 🐸 I wear it like a badge of honor
I was being called a retard before it was popular 🙌
Ha ha, I'm a chemtard too! ;)
Me too, and I have a cloudbuster in my yard.
Yay 🙌 welcome to the club Fren 🐸
Me too.
Florida is looking to ban chem trails.
Funny, TN banned them and the sky is still the same.
Came here to say 👆this.
Just as I predicted. You can't ban ice crystals that are an inevitable result of burning a hydrocarbon fuel.
Any dimwitn can clearly see the differwnce between a contrail and a chemtrail. Chemtrails do not disburse contrails do and they do quickly. There shouldn't be a person left in America that doesnt understand this except one who is physically blind.
No. Unfortunately, dimwits imagine there is a difference. Contrails last long or short, and at high altitude. I happen to be quite familiar with the generation of contrails from combustion engines at high altitude. I have seen them my whole life. Your favorite "chemtrail" guru freely uses contrails for his illustrations.
Interesting that you say this because the other day when I was walking the dog, I looked up into the sky and I saw two different airplanes. One was a commercial airline, taking people from one place to another. No chemtrails interesting! Across the sky in the other direction where all the criss crosses were in the sky, there were two thick white clouds coming out from behind the airplane. They were actively spraying.There were at least seven or eight criss crossed in the sky.
I know there’s some type of an argument that it’s just commercial planes, and that’s why there are these criss crosses in the sky. But I think that’s a lie because I saw differently with my own eyes. So tired of this topic being gaslit, especially here where you can’t even talk about it. I’m shocked that this post is even up. ⬆️. 😱
I would like to see a post about chemtrails on the front page “sticky for 5 days” like the Jew one! 🧐
Amen to that
Yeah, dudes bin denial.
For one thing, it depends significantly on altitude. You need high altitude freezing temperatures for the water vapor to crystalize to ice. At lower altitude, no contrail. Airplanes are seldom going in the same direction, so you get criss-crossing as a natural outcome of airline patterns. Look them up. They radiate from major airports and converge on major airports---and cross-cross inbetween. Contrails make a very visible plume, but they are not spraying. It is only engine exhaust crystallization.
Let me guess what makes you so certain your "eyes" are telling you everything. Do you have a degree in atmospheric science? No. Do you have a degree in aeronautical engineering? No. Can your eyes detect whether the air is cold enough to form contrails at the altitude a plane is flying? No. Do you have a degree in meteorology and know that contrails can be forewarnings of rainy weather? No.
It seems you are no more informed than I was at the age of 5, looking up at contrails across the cloudless sky, moving right along.
Gaslighting 101.
OK Orwell
Yes, water vapor is a gas. Contrails have been observed since World War II and their origin is well understood. You can be snide...and ignorant at the same time. They often go together.
You are the one being snide just like somebody else I know here.
Attack people call them stupid whatever you want. I don’t care. You have no power here. 😵💫
Let me guess this is a catch five alt account 😹😹😹😹
You can guess whatever you want (and be wrong), but I have no idea what you are talking about.
From my old Chemprints sub at reddit:
1978 Senate chemtrail report, 746 page: https://archive.org/stream/weatificat00unit/weatificat00unit_djvu.txt
http://www.intellicast.com/National/Wind/JetStream.aspx, Jet streams have no effect on chemtrails.
Michael J. Murphy & Scott Stevens on Geoengineering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zxkLI6Orxc
Meteorologist Scott Stevens on Geo-Engineering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lj2OPPqj-o
Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents http://climateviewer.com/2014/03/24/geoengineering-weather-modification-patents/
Climate Skepticism Has Lost Major Ground Among Weather Experts. http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2016/03/25/3763395/most-weathercasters-meteorologists-think-climate-change-is-real/
"Children present atmospheric crimes and danger" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o3dF17EROk&sns=tw
CONTRAIL vs CHEMTRAIL 101 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kcTvqiMNl8 Symptoms Resulting From Chemtrail
Spraying http://www.patriotfreedom.org/news_20110217_1756/symptoms-resulting-from-chemtrail-spraying/
Other web information sites about Chemtrails:
http://saive.com/WXMOD/NASA_National_and_Interdepartmental_Program_for_Weather_Modification_1966.pdf (PDF)
http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/virtualarchive/items.php?item=2390601002 (PDF)
http://csat.au.af.mil/2025/volume3/vol3ch15.pdf (PDF, Weather as a Force Multiplier)
http://irina.eas.gatech.edu/EAS8802_Spring2011/Report2009-aerosol-climate.pdf (PDF)
http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtmlpath=/prelim@title15/chapter9A&edition=prelim (PDF)
Recommended basic research terms: Geoengineering
Weather Modification
Stratospheric Aerosol Release (SAR)
Climate Engineering
Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
Add on the words 'research reports' to any of the terms listed above for more science-related search engine results.
How it starts- Don't confused him with facts. Some people are better off left sleeping.
I get it
I just find it interesting when people try to gaslight me into telling me what I see every day happening in my own skies is not happening 🤷♀️
I’ve had several high-level narcissist sociopaths in my life throughout the years, I’m very well trained in spotting their behaviors, and gaslighting is their number one go to. I’m not buying it.
Funny thing it just happened today with the family member, and I contacted my other family member to head off at the pass. Turns out I was 100% correct feels good to be able to eliminate these threats immediately instead of being a victim 👍
And you can't articulate a single argument to demonstrate understanding. A long list of mistaken websites adds up to exactly nothing.
Geoengineering Watch is ludicrous. The guy in charge clearly does not understand what he is looking at. Chemtrail Planet doesn't understand basic meteorology or cloud formation. If that is a measure of what you think is convincing, there is no reason to go down stupid rabbit holes. The end of it is that there is no evidence that anything is going on (barring small-scale cloud seeding). HAARP is a nothingburger. Patents and plans are programmatic dreams. The problem with all this is not so much that you don't have evidence to prove your contention (which you don't) but that you don't understand what would be needed to establish that proof.
As someone else has pointed out, Tennessee passed a law forbidding chemtrails. But the contrails continue unabated. And they will do the same wherever such a law is passed. The only way to stop contrails is to ban high-altitude flight altogether. And then what have you done? Nothing. I live in a region of considerable continuous cloud cover, and these moans and groans about contrails "blocking the sun" should be embarrassing. Those people have no idea what "blocking the sun" looks like. Or the fact that it doesn't stop normal life or agriculture.
Why didn't he do this in the first term?
I hope President Trump on day one is able do everything that needs to be done at once so that Patriots don't complain that he's not doing enough or what he said he'll do, I fore see this happening. This comment isn't against the OP.
Trump understands they are contrails. They don't come remotely close to "blocking the sun", considering they are brighter than the sky itself. You must not live in a land that has cloud cover.
Is done in calirado quite often. In the summer it causes the typical afternoon storms to grow hugely intk the eastern plains to Nebraska and Kansas.
You have reversed cause and effect. Storms are carried by a body of humid air, which reaches out beyond the storm. As the humid air first enters a region, contrails are more apt to form.
No humid storms in the forecast for Colorado today. Yet trails have been sprayed and spread to turn the sky hazy and dimmed the sun. Happens quite frequently here on the front range. Others have seen and confirmed the same. At times it’s parallel trails. Other times they’re at 90 degrees.
No one believed adrenochrome or child sacrifices a few years ago…and now look what’s blowing up.
It’ll all come out. Patience.
The air only needs to be humid, not storm-carrying. There is no spray. The contrail does not come into existence until the engine exhaust has traveled downstream far enough to mix with the surrounding air and cool to the ambient temperature. Airplanes travel in different directions all the time, or they couldn't reach their destinations.
As far as I am concerned, adrenochrome and child sacrifices have yet to be confirmed. But if it is belief that is all important, you might as well refer to the Flat Earthers and Moon Hoaxers. You are big on belief, but very small on understanding the chemistry and physics of phenomena that are 80 years old.
I was in New Mexico for one summer for 9 days, and the sky was 50% covered by spotty clouds. It was a great relief, compared to Arizona. No shortage of light to see by, but they "dimmed the sun." You really ought to get over naturally-occurring trivia.
I predict absolutely no air carrier will be touched by any of these "chemtrail" bans, because the bans are based on hot air (while the contrails are based on cold air).
Pilots reporting chemtrail operations.
Weather manipulation for decades.
Oh..and the clot shots weren’t a population control program perpetrated by certain government agencies and were perfectly safe. Time for a booster perhaps? John Legend says it is.
As the article states, these were not contrails. So, I am good with the identification. We also have crop-dusting and forest-fire suppression drops. Cloud-seeding is old hat and that product generally can't be seen while being dispensed.
The "chemtrail" movement is based on erroneously identifying contrails as a continent-wide program of "chemtrails," and what I said about that still holds. All the actual spraying operations were at lower altitudes than at which contrails form. (For them to form a contrail would actually be counter to their purpose, which is to settle on things.) If you want to back out of claiming contrails are "chemtrails," then we can shake hands.
I'm not interested in stupid remarks off point about an inoculation I never took.
You know, when you simply display a link without comment, you are admitting you have absolutely nothing to say on the subject. What do you think is proven by a link to photos of contrails? (And multiple instances of the same photo.)