We all know that 2020 Fraud Vitiates All and everything Biden has done will probably be officially "annulled".
However, in the meantime if Biden starts pardoning all the swamp, with specific timelines of their bulk of their crimes (would be funny if he mentions 2020 Nov 6th 3:00 AM for some of the election fraudsters) the ensuing hilarity and the liberal meltdown would be extremely funny I would think!
No more pardons. I stop here at the hunter pardon. I want to watch bodies swing from the gallows ➰⚰️
Biden giving mass pardons 🤣
"Hey everybody, I'm pardoning all Americans!"
I recently read, in cokehead's case anyway, that just means while he doesn't go to federal jail, he does give up his right to hide behind the 5th amendment when ordered to testify about the goings on since 2014.
In addition to the House/Senate sharks licking their chops at the thought of forcing Hunter to testify, under oath, what actually happened since 2014, I have to believe state and local prosecutors will make time to tune in, and see what they can nail him for.
There is nothing stopping Governor Newsom from handing out a pardon to Hunter. California is Hunter's primary residence.
I think the reason they are keeping the 500k+ indictments sealed is to keep Joe from pardoning the indicted. jmo
Wonder if this will trigger the SCOTUS to rule on Brunson? You can't pardon anyone if you're not the legitimately elected president, right? I need some more galaxy gas.
There are no more open Brunson cases.
If the Loy Brunson case has already been rules on by SCOTUS, and he signed an NDA about the verdict, you might be right.
Do you have sauce on the NDA?
I agree that this is a distinct possibility and yes, it'd be hilarious if for no other reason than to get all the libtards scratching their heads trying to understand what they are seeing.
How funny would it be if the Supreme Court rules that 2020 was stolen? Then Biden wouldn't have been duly elected and his pardons unlawful, lol.
Ok so the swamp gets pardoned. Then we have discovery or the outing of the cannibalism, murder and death. What do you think will happen. The people will look at a pardoned Opra and say. Ok this is fine. You can get away with your crimes against humanity because the president said so. How enraged do you think the public will be. Especially if she's still wealthy.
None of these pardons are real not will have legal standing. No one will "get away" with their crimes.
Is just showcases are the criminals in a fun way
I think Joe Biden will pardon the entire swamp including federal crimes committed by the Clintons in the 70s and 80s. This means that President Trump needs to confirm that 2020 was indeed stolen which would make Biden's blanket pardon of the Swamp illegal since he wasn't legally President.
The WH’s should reenact this classic scene
They claim innocence. Pardoned are as good as an admission.