WATCH: “No Apology From Rachel Maddow” – Joe Rogan Highlights House Committee’s New 500-Page COVID-19 Report, Says “ALL The Conspiracy Theorists Were Correct”
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thanks to Jordan Conradson
If it was a lab leak how do they explain no flu cases? How do they explain that the elite continued to party since they knew there was no threat. I'm guessing maybe attempted virus but it was a complete failure and had to resort to a marketing campaign.
I've always loved your name
The covid queens are the actual conspiracy theorist.
Scrap “theorists”
She needs to be prosecuted
Aren't you glad you didn't be a lab rat for a donut?
Or take medical advice from Big Bird?
Haha! I forgot about that!
It’s the hamburger that got me. I got 17 boosters for some chicken nuggets.
I don't find junk food very tempting. Haven't eaten any in years.
I like junk food, but I sure as fuck wasn't getting injected with the mystery fluid for any junk food.
I can pay $3-$7 for some junk food and at least I have food in my belly instead of poison directly injected into my veins after all!
I guess they can't admit germ theory is mostly bullshit and no one actually got covid hence the "lab leak."
Germ theory---and microscopic confirmation---explains the communication of diseases by infection, and by interspecies contamination (e.g., malaria).
I came down with covid, so it was real enough for me. And not like any flu I have had before, nor a lark to endure.
A laboratory "leak" is unsupported supposition. There is a built-in tendency to disparage the technical capability of China, but they are capable of the most advanced large-scale enterprises. There is no reason to think the Wuhan Lab was not a fully competent operation. But what it really means is that the contagion was a planned bio-warfare exercise originating from the Lab.
Maybe it was planned. Maybe it never actually existed and the whole thing was a psy-op. I don't know anyone who died until after the shots started going around. Do you?
Oh, there were plenty of people who died in the homes for the elderly, where the governors of the states were deliberately assigning infected persons to go into those homes. Washington (my state) was one under Governor Inslee. I think we were among the first to suffer those deaths. New York under Governor Cuomo was another, and there was no reason to do so, because Trump had caused an emergency field hospital to be constructed in NYC and also assigned a hospital ship to be in harbor. They were never used. (Take a few minutes to digest that fact.) Not a "psy-op" when people are being killed because of policy. Some people my wife knew died. This was all before the shots. People were being denied early treatment with the therapeutics, being sent to hospital only when in emergency condition, and systematically killed with intubations and remdesivir. Please disabuse yourself of the bullshit notion that this was a "psy-op."
Sorry but Covid was fake it was just influenza rebranded.
I had it. It was a flu, but not "the" flu. And people did die from it. I will agree that the medical establishment chose to conflate the disease statistics.
Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm always open to that possibility. Just every time I get the flu it feels like the worse thing out there and I forget how miserable it is. I think there's nothing worse, then get over with it and the same thing happens when I get it again. Throw in a little marketing agenda and the idea of covid becomes solidified.
I threw caution to the wind during covid and probably ended up killing 62 grannies but myself came out unscathed.
I had covid symptoms at age 69 when I was healthy. It lasted a week - really bad for two days - but it didn't kill me. I've never had a "flu" like that before. Since then, despite taking Ivermectin weekly and nattokinase, HCQ, quercetin, D3, K2, C, NAC, L-Lysine etc, every day, I'm still coughing up gobs of phlegm every day. (I've never smoked.)
I was a little older than you at the time (early) and came down for about 4 days at the worst, and took several weeks to climb back out of it. Yes, phlegm, but be patient. It does clear, but it seems to take forever. I have been a tough cookie for such things most of my life. I was taking vitamin D, zinc, NAC every day, but for an entirely different set of reasons.
I got “Covid” and my family, my theory is that between year 2020 and 2021 these evil disciples were installing the 5G antennas and I felt like it was a radiation because all started like I wanted to throw up and big headaches, then lack of appetite. How do you explain what happened? It was not a virus or flu, I can’t explain but for sure it was radiation.
Maybe it was the Jack Daniels
No 5G anywhere near our village but I had covid symptoms (see above). Think of another theory.
I was burning up for 12 hours.
I got over it thanks to doubling my daily Vitamin C intake and drinking LOTS of orange juice.
But once I cooled down, not only was I absolutely pooped, but I couldn't taste anything for a week.
Which is what happens when your immune system is done fighting something it's never encountered before.
I haven't caught it since. Because I'm immune.
I remember reading a book that was written before covid and this guy was working with a patient who had lost his smell and hadn't been able to smell anything for years. It came about from a case of the flu. These things used to happen before covid.
However it makes sense that shit was being sprayed, stuff put in the water, radiation emitting towers and devices amplified. I certainly could be wrong about a lot of things.