Three were illegal aliens, and one was identified as U.S. Army soldier Emilio Mendoza Lopez.
I still don't understand why we train foreign nationals in American military tactics....
So many just take that knowledge right to the cartels, others just leech and make anchor babies, and all of them flying foreign flags while in US uniform (I have pics over on my PC).
I know they can "earn" citizenship through serving, but I feel like that's getting highly abused now. Like it was MEANT for people in the 1800s who couldn't simply fly home every weekend back to their shithole, and instead used to work for a ship in return for not being thrown overboard, or actually want to be a citizen and STAY in America, vs these greedy migrants who boast about being south American but making tiktoks in US military uniform...
Fucking sellout bastards—violation of their oaths, and a betrayal of duty, as well as trust, to defend thr Inited States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Shame on those traitorous losers!
What?? This is unbelievable (to me) but we never know who is in the military trying to make a couple xtra dinero.
It is also frustrating and SAD at the same time. Our own military personnel, it does sound like they are either in the military to speed their citizenship, or they may have had personal ties to the people they were transporting. Either way it is bad for them to do this to the United States of America.
Court martial the enemies within.
Three were illegal aliens, and one was identified as U.S. Army soldier Emilio Mendoza Lopez.
I still don't understand why we train foreign nationals in American military tactics....
So many just take that knowledge right to the cartels, others just leech and make anchor babies, and all of them flying foreign flags while in US uniform (I have pics over on my PC).
I know they can "earn" citizenship through serving, but I feel like that's getting highly abused now. Like it was MEANT for people in the 1800s who couldn't simply fly home every weekend back to their shithole, and instead used to work for a ship in return for not being thrown overboard, or actually want to be a citizen and STAY in America, vs these greedy migrants who boast about being south American but making tiktoks in US military uniform...
They're not enlisting their best and that's a fact,,,,,
Almost like we are training our own invading force....
I just hope the WEF doesn't "activate" all their African migrants they have embedded all through white western countries.
Europe is the Most fucked if they get activated, as they are overrun and unarmed.
At least we have a decent armed population....
A clear violation of their oaths. Courts martial for all, and any of them aren't citizens, deport them after their prison sentences.
Oaths only mean something to those with honorable hearts.
Hmm, what word do we call it when a Uniformed member of the US Military, aids and gives comfort to an illegal invading group?
Something with a "T," I think...
25 years in Leavenworth for each court should be the sentence. That way, him and is buddies will rot in military jail for the rest of their lives.
You are too kind. I would give them the firing range right away.
Names check out....
It wasn't me.
Evidently swearing an oath means nothing to some soldiers! I thought swearing an oath meant nothing to only Congressmen. I guess I am stupid!
Definitely need the firing squad
Oaths only mean something to those with honorable hearts.
Amen Brother!
Only traitors help invaders. TREASON!
Of course.
I want fat gators.
Were any of them trannies?
Now, that's a good thought. I don't know.
You spelled American wrong...
Fucking sellout bastards—violation of their oaths, and a betrayal of duty, as well as trust, to defend thr Inited States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Shame on those traitorous losers!
Swim in Everglades would be where I would put them.
What?? This is unbelievable (to me) but we never know who is in the military trying to make a couple xtra dinero.
It is also frustrating and SAD at the same time. Our own military personnel, it does sound like they are either in the military to speed their citizenship, or they may have had personal ties to the people they were transporting. Either way it is bad for them to do this to the United States of America.
Make an example of them would be good.
Throw them into guitmo with the rest of the filth.
I am ready to throw them into the Everglades.
It worked for them for the past 4 years....
Yes, under Biden's order.
We are watching an episode of the Lioness by Taylor Sheridan - prove me wrong