It is truly unbelievable that they want to tax investment earnings that haven't even been es yet, on top of all the other taxes they are blatantly wasting.
They are Marxists-democrats who once in power, use the Cloward & Piven strategy to overwhelm governments to install oppressive communist rule. We are dangerously close to losing. Be clear so stupid people can go do research & the marxist will know we’re on to them.
Why not tax people for breathing or how about a fart tax. How about a tax for thinking about being rich.
LOL. Don't give them any idea. You know why I left there right?
Most in the greater Seattle area are assholes, so take I g them is kinda a farther tax
"With WA billions in the hole..."
Interpretation: "With WA unable to control its profligate, excess spending habits..."
No new taxes, we need government reform, like one would cut off an alcoholic uncle who got hold of your credit card.
WA probably had to spend $20 to $30 dollars per vote for WA to go against all national trends in the election. Hence the short fall.
It is ok the people that did not vote for the democrats can pay for the democrats.
Hate WA.
I will make the governor and officials sell their body parts to pay back. LOL
Isn't this what The Kamala Harris campaign wanted for the country?
You got it.
It is truly unbelievable that they want to tax investment earnings that haven't even been es yet, on top of all the other taxes they are blatantly wasting.
They need money for Ukraine.
Why don’t they start cutting programs & employees first?
They are demonrats.
They are Marxists-democrats who once in power, use the Cloward & Piven strategy to overwhelm governments to install oppressive communist rule. We are dangerously close to losing. Be clear so stupid people can go do research & the marxist will know we’re on to them.
Oh yes.
Adding this too.
I moved out for a reason.
Shut up you bigot. \s
I love it when you talk libtard to me! 🥰 /s
I'm going to laugh pretty good when they inact an income tax in WA. The left side of the state deserves it.
We need Idaho to annex everything East of the Pacific crest trail.
I would love to see it. My cousin is in Oregon and they are fighting hard to join. She would move right away if Idaho annex. She is west of the PCT
If they manage to get this, absolute doom will come from it.
You know how many people I know have already left the state? Many.
Stocks and bonds are first. Your house is next.
I want to say those people need to go somewhere hot.