JUST IN: Top Democrat on 'Ethics' Committee Outed as Leaker of Gaetz Report - Why Is She Still on the Committee? | The Gateway P...
Rep. Susan Wild, the top Democrat on the House Ethics Committee, has been implicated as the leaker behind the controversial Gaetz report. Discover the shocking details and the implications for her future on the committee!
oops, house ethics committee member breaks ethical rule.
Not a good look.
She looks half-witted.
Those crazy eyes again.
Got caught.
1/2 witted is a stretch...
She looks like she could govern arizona.
Only if she has a sparky, mousey voice.
I was thinking the same thing. Talk about literally looking stupid.
Since the (D)ems 'leaked' the un-released report, I think Trump should put Gaetz back in play.
Interesting thought.
The eyes, it’s always in the eyes.
Hers are too close together. Geez… inbred or what?
Censure her, and then remove her ass from congress.
Just another Democrat hack.
You can bet that Shitpiro is pulling her strings.
Those. Eyes. Every time.
Her name said it all also.
Seems anything we are told from Congress is a LIE!
The government is a bunch of lying shitbag.
Ah yes, the second-most corrupt state in the Union again.
Which one is the first? CA or NY?
What is up with these psychos and their crazy eyes?
We need a device to know who are the crazies. Oh, I forgot, our cell phone camera.
Whenever anyone gets wild eyes like this fine specimen... Or like horseface AOC, etc. You've just gotta avoid them! Don't put your dick in crazy! 😂
I was told that b4. LOL
Always the eyes
Tiny hats are all in attack mode against America First politicians and will stop at nothing to try to ruin them.
And Wild is a tiny hat club member.
Tiny hats? LOL
She needs to be removed from the committee at the very least.
If there was any way she can be charged with releasing sensitive or personal information she should be.
I would give her a job as a litter picker for the rest of her life.
Remove her from Congress!