Like many, I have been following all this "Drone" misinformation campaign. Regardless of what they are, who launched them and even the intent of their presence... I noticed something.
THEY AREN'T FLYING ANY OF THESE DRONES OVER THE RURAL SOUTH! Why? Deer Hunters. They wouldn't last an hour over a small U.S. town. Guaranteed!
Hey... just sayin'
Amen to that
Because whatever they're looking for is not in some back woods area If it was, they would be there and no, hunters would not shoot them down. Stop making hunters out to be some kind of hilly billy retards that would just start shooting shit out of the air.
I live in rural NC and I sure as shit would shoot it if it was flying over my house.
I live in the middle of a blue city. Would still shoot down. lol
Okay, your misinformed warning taken... now, try flying a drone over my house and watch what happens. Still... just sayin.
You won't do shit just like most people...just sayin.
You obviously don't live in the rural south.
You might be surprised.
Not sure I understand why you think I (or folks in the rural south) would NOT shoot these things down. To clarify, flying over my house is no problem. I am referring to a drone hanging out over my house for a considerable period of time. Akin to a electronic peeping tom.
My best friend regularly puts a bulliet in a target's bullseye at 1000 yards. I'm not that sharp. But my friend, in fact nobody I know is trigger happy. In contrast, they are very peaceful souls and not quick to anger. However, we protect our own. A potential surveillance device with capabiltities to have a weapon payload is a threat if it is hovering over my house for an hour, a day, a week.
Sounds like you have a problem with what I stated. Why is that?
Ehhh, it depends on the situation really.
If it was going on above me, I'd have my night scope on record, and you'd be hearing me contemplating it. A drone has no business being over me and where I live.
LOL, some kid down south should live stream a trip up north for Drone Season! No tags required!! How could he get in trouble? These fuckee fucks don’t even know what they are. Love to see a prosecutor try and pinch him for shooting at them. The look on the Judges face would be priceless
Cajun Navy
Gees, didn't mean to cause such a mess here. I'm just saying that around here, if a drone was over my house for longer than a few minutes then I will shoot it down. Most people around here would do the same. In fact, you wouldn't even have to, call the sheriff and he will shot it for you.
Look before shooting...
If they are lithium ion batteries they have a range...follow them home ..if alien with zpm power they can stay up forever
I've been posting this on various comment sections, although didn't mention deer hunters, just the difference between north and south :)
Some drones can shoot back, bigly
I actually saw one driving home from the hunting club the other night. I live in South Georgia. It was low and big and crossed right in front of me. Blinking red lights. My husband said maybe someone was hunting for a deer they shot.
How do you know that it was driving home from the hunting club?
I was sitting outside eating lunch at the fire station during a training early summer…not long after the China balloons were in the news…
saw one of those double balloon things which turned out to be a NOAA research thing here in Colorado which ended up being on the news. If I’d have been home it was definitely in .223 and absolutely .308 range.
Completely and totally right on! Those drones would be target practice and downed so fast.
Iran is sending a treat to Trump. Biden is allowing it.
Iran was handling Bin Laden. Obama gave info on Seal team 6 to Iran.
Remember on 911 when Dick had the MIL stand down?
You misspelled Israel
We got the trans movement from Isreal.
IDF loves to play ISIS leader, enemy sub (Liberty), Iranian MIL leader, etc.
By way of deception we will wage war.
IDF also collects assholes... Bill, Jeff, Diddy, Jay-Z, Obama, Biden, and other 🍩err "Stars".
Being that nobody has information about them, to assume that they're out to get us and we need to shoot them first and ask questions later...have we not evolved beyond that?
What a tragedy, if they're here to help us, and we just give in to fear, moving to destroy them.
I am sorry you got down voted for telling the truth. Around here during the 4th of July, every assh*le with a gun shoots theirs off like crazy.
At one party we brought all the kids into the house, they didn't get to see the rest of the fireworks because it was so bad. Besides I think the Drones are from the White Hats, they flew over people's homes that are in the FBI.