They are trying to alter humanity. Who knows what they hell they are trying to build, or if it is the population reduction these FMs are aiming to get.
It is obvious they want to play God with everyone else's lives, and they are well on the way to their end.
It's simply awful. I still maintain that when Trump said he had to make the hardest decision of his presidency, this was it. Releasing these horrible shots onto the public.
I'm so encouraged to hear you say this because I've brought this up several times over the past years..I remember clearly POTUS asking for prayers at one of the daily Covid conferences and saying he had the most difficult decision of his life to make.
Pfizer SV40 DNA has now been found in the blood of Australians. This is a slap with a wet fish for the TGA…. right after their emails demonstrate they know this DNA is a nuclear targeting sequence. They are up the spout as they have assured the public this can not happen and they just rolled out the green and gold for Moderna to build a few vaccine manufacturing plants down under. A tough bikkie indeed.
Russell Broadbent wasted no time alerting the Primer Minister, Minister for Health and the Deputy Secretary.
62 other highly decorated physicians and scientists have signed this letter asking for immediate action.
This DNA was discovered in a Peer Reviewed paper from Ryan et al which was not looking for it. Communication with the lead author of the paper informed us that they even used DNA depletion steps in their protocol so its a bit surprising any DNA sequences were found at all. This leaves us with the only rational conclusion, which is that the DNA loads in Australians blood after vaccination is in fact much higher than can be measured in the Ryan et al study. SV40 Promoter sequences were detected in this study. The Journal has been notified of the discovery. They may not act as the Ryan et al study was never designed to monitor the DNA and therefor this doesn’t constitute an error in need of correction but an incidental finding. Sandeep Chakraborty has written a preprint about this discovery and I have confirmed his findings.
Will they act or will they continue to gaslight the population on the lack of informed consent and overt cronyism displayed with their liability free mandates? It’s a perniciously fascist scenario as corporate red carpets are hard to roll back once government officials are in on the graft.
Fidge vs Pfizer showed how deep this grift goes as Judge Rofe ruled Fidge had no standing despite being vaccinated. It was later revealed that Rofe once was on Pfizers payroll and failure to disclose this overt conflict was quickly forgiven.
This is why regulatory agencies are very dangerous to centralize. It presents an attack surface for democracy as unelected bureaucrats can sell the freedom of their tax payers to the highest bidder while laundering the corporate accountability through government officials who often pay no price for being wrong.
In a just world, the regulators responsible for approving any such medication should NEVER be in a position to police their own poor decisions. Separate post market evaluation needs to be independent of the people who approve a given medication.
Currently, that post market surveillance is censored, jailed, disbarred or delicensed as was witnessed with Dr. William Bay. 2.5 years later he is vindicated as the lawfare is slowly settled. This leaves plenty of time for Pharma malfeasance to ensue.
It might well be, but dont forget the immune system normally targets and destroys any faulty or broken cells, but when ones immune system is exhausted from continually attacking the same spike proteins it has been charged to produce by the vax, then these cancer cells can proliferate.
Welcome to AIDS. you are now the proud carrier's of a deadly infectious disease. Your life and everyone you love is in danger. Blood transfusions from vaxxed people are still being distributed. Right now someone in surgery is being infected. The covid jab is still killing and spreading throughout the healthy population. Its still killing people. Just not immediately, its a slow death. Just as planned.
The post includes full copies of BOTH the letter from Katie Ashby-Koppens at PJ O'Briens & Assoc (with scientific and other details of the problem, including the "dismissive" actions of regulators and others, and the names of the 62 MDs, Ph.Ds, and other professionals signing the letter) TO Russell Broadbent at Parliament AND Broadbent's shorter letter to the Prime Minister, Minister for Health, and the Deputy Secretary.
Protect your DNA.
They are trying to alter humanity. Who knows what they hell they are trying to build, or if it is the population reduction these FMs are aiming to get.
It is obvious they want to play God with everyone else's lives, and they are well on the way to their end.
It's simply awful. I still maintain that when Trump said he had to make the hardest decision of his presidency, this was it. Releasing these horrible shots onto the public.
I think you are right, but he had no choice. A ten year lockdown would have ruined the people and the country.
He also tried to mitigate the impact by revealing HCQ was the cure but of course the cabal's MSM puppets buried that truth.
Neil Cavuto
I'm so encouraged to hear you say this because I've brought this up several times over the past years..I remember clearly POTUS asking for prayers at one of the daily Covid conferences and saying he had the most difficult decision of his life to make.
All of us need to question everything, and everyone. Not one of these people in positions of power got there by being an altar boy.
Posted just a few hours ago to Substack:
Pfizer SV40 DNA has now been found in the blood of Australians. This is a slap with a wet fish for the TGA…. right after their emails demonstrate they know this DNA is a nuclear targeting sequence. They are up the spout as they have assured the public this can not happen and they just rolled out the green and gold for Moderna to build a few vaccine manufacturing plants down under. A tough bikkie indeed.
Russell Broadbent wasted no time alerting the Primer Minister, Minister for Health and the Deputy Secretary.
62 other highly decorated physicians and scientists have signed this letter asking for immediate action.
This DNA was discovered in a Peer Reviewed paper from Ryan et al which was not looking for it. Communication with the lead author of the paper informed us that they even used DNA depletion steps in their protocol so its a bit surprising any DNA sequences were found at all. This leaves us with the only rational conclusion, which is that the DNA loads in Australians blood after vaccination is in fact much higher than can be measured in the Ryan et al study. SV40 Promoter sequences were detected in this study. The Journal has been notified of the discovery. They may not act as the Ryan et al study was never designed to monitor the DNA and therefor this doesn’t constitute an error in need of correction but an incidental finding. Sandeep Chakraborty has written a preprint about this discovery and I have confirmed his findings.
Will they act or will they continue to gaslight the population on the lack of informed consent and overt cronyism displayed with their liability free mandates? It’s a perniciously fascist scenario as corporate red carpets are hard to roll back once government officials are in on the graft.
Fidge vs Pfizer showed how deep this grift goes as Judge Rofe ruled Fidge had no standing despite being vaccinated. It was later revealed that Rofe once was on Pfizers payroll and failure to disclose this overt conflict was quickly forgiven.
This is why regulatory agencies are very dangerous to centralize. It presents an attack surface for democracy as unelected bureaucrats can sell the freedom of their tax payers to the highest bidder while laundering the corporate accountability through government officials who often pay no price for being wrong.
In a just world, the regulators responsible for approving any such medication should NEVER be in a position to police their own poor decisions. Separate post market evaluation needs to be independent of the people who approve a given medication.
Currently, that post market surveillance is censored, jailed, disbarred or delicensed as was witnessed with Dr. William Bay. 2.5 years later he is vindicated as the lawfare is slowly settled. This leaves plenty of time for Pharma malfeasance to ensue.
The Process is the Punishment.
Well said. Great post. Australia is a disgrace.
Isn't SV40 the cancer causing sequence that was in the polio vac and it was confirmed? This is what accounts for the turbo cancer issue in the vaxxed
It might well be, but dont forget the immune system normally targets and destroys any faulty or broken cells, but when ones immune system is exhausted from continually attacking the same spike proteins it has been charged to produce by the vax, then these cancer cells can proliferate.
It's the simian cancer
My understanding is weather one was jabbed or caught covid they're in the same boat. It's basically the same thing. Goodluck everyone.
Welcome to AIDS. you are now the proud carrier's of a deadly infectious disease. Your life and everyone you love is in danger. Blood transfusions from vaxxed people are still being distributed. Right now someone in surgery is being infected. The covid jab is still killing and spreading throughout the healthy population. Its still killing people. Just not immediately, its a slow death. Just as planned.
The jab was a test of many types and potentials. The real killing is coming.
The post includes full copies of BOTH the letter from Katie Ashby-Koppens at PJ O'Briens & Assoc (with scientific and other details of the problem, including the "dismissive" actions of regulators and others, and the names of the 62 MDs, Ph.Ds, and other professionals signing the letter) TO Russell Broadbent at Parliament AND Broadbent's shorter letter to the Prime Minister, Minister for Health, and the Deputy Secretary.
They’ve been putting SV 40 into vaccines since the 1950s (Polio vax).