Is this why they created CERN? So they can try and be God and change the timelines. Even as a Christian, I must admit, I’ve always felt like there was some parallel universe. I personally feel like I’ve crossed it twice. 🤷♀️
2 Cor. 12:2 2 I know a man who belongs to the Messiah.[a] Fourteen years ago—whether in his body or outside of his body, I do not know, but God knows—that man was snatched away to the third heaven. 3 I know that this man—whether in his body or outside of his body, I do not know, but God knows— 4 was snatched away to Paradise and heard things that cannot be expressed in words, things that no human being has a right even to mention.
I feel like after the election this year we went through another shift, but it was collectively not individual. Everything changed overnight. Dramatically.
Take this for whatever it's worth ... Up until that point, I was quite nervous about the election.
When I first heard he was shot I knew he was ok ... He was of course (praise God) ... But somehow I just knew. Maybe I was in some kind of state of temporary denial in that period where we had no idea of he was ok ... I don't know.
Ever since that moment, I knew things were gonna be ok. I had my bouts of frustration like any human does, but every morning I wake up knowing it'll be ok. I can't say I go to bed like that on occasion knowing how many sickening fucking demonic pedos are out there continuing to run around even after Diddy being exposed (they anger me), but I wake up knowing justice is right around the corner.
I also had this thing stuck in my head where I imagine him in front of a massive, and I mean massive crowd stating that "you have your country back!" causing a roar that will be heard for miles. Seriously ... It's been stuck in my head since 2016, after he won, and before his imagination.
Again, I am not claiming to be anything but a doofus trying to make their way around the universe :-) . All of my reactions I described run counter to the way I typically am (nervous about everything) though. It's strange ... But I've always been considered strange :-) .
Had this conversation with my kids last week. They all think I’m nuts but I definitely have had those feelings as well. Where things are the mostly the same but slightly different. Either that or I am losing my mind. I choose the former.
The linked article at is quite vague (almost hilariously so, I thought) but does contain a link to a 6 min 58 sec YT video by physicist Sabine Hossenfelder that clears things up. Worth a watch if you're interested in the topic.
I've had thoughts related to this about what is really going on.
If there was a big bang, the end result of that is chaos and tearing apart
yet, we see everything doing the opposite becoming more connected
What if time is running backwards, and leading us towards the big bang
the absolute connection of everything
the singularity
the concept of "time running out" permeates our lives
So time does slip into the future? Who knew, Steve Miller did!
Yep 😂😂😂
Underrated comment. Have an updoot.
Is this why they created CERN? So they can try and be God and change the timelines. Even as a Christian, I must admit, I’ve always felt like there was some parallel universe. I personally feel like I’ve crossed it twice. 🤷♀️
Being aware of parallel dimensions /timelines is not separate from Faith. It is all God's work.
2 Cor. 12:2 2 I know a man who belongs to the Messiah.[a] Fourteen years ago—whether in his body or outside of his body, I do not know, but God knows—that man was snatched away to the third heaven. 3 I know that this man—whether in his body or outside of his body, I do not know, but God knows— 4 was snatched away to Paradise and heard things that cannot be expressed in words, things that no human being has a right even to mention.
Thx fren 🙏🐸
Yes, if you want to study God's design, study quantum physics.
Ever have instances of deja vu?
Pft… yes 👍
I’m not talking about deja vu of everyday common place occurrences, I’m talking about things that haven’t ever happened and I have deja vu.
I have. Constantly. Its fucking annoying.
It comes in spurts for me, I’ll go for long periods of times without, and then long periods of time with. It’s weird.
Yes I get it. I have two very vivid memories of literally going from one parallel universe to another. I remember it like it was yesterday.
I have one and it’s wild. Happened a very long time ago.
I feel like after the election this year we went through another shift, but it was collectively not individual. Everything changed overnight. Dramatically.
It felt like something shifted that day in butler this past summer ... The one where someone tried to shoot Trump.
Great example!
He was supposed to die, and Kamala was supposed to be our president.
Take this for whatever it's worth ... Up until that point, I was quite nervous about the election.
When I first heard he was shot I knew he was ok ... He was of course (praise God) ... But somehow I just knew. Maybe I was in some kind of state of temporary denial in that period where we had no idea of he was ok ... I don't know.
Ever since that moment, I knew things were gonna be ok. I had my bouts of frustration like any human does, but every morning I wake up knowing it'll be ok. I can't say I go to bed like that on occasion knowing how many sickening fucking demonic pedos are out there continuing to run around even after Diddy being exposed (they anger me), but I wake up knowing justice is right around the corner.
I also had this thing stuck in my head where I imagine him in front of a massive, and I mean massive crowd stating that "you have your country back!" causing a roar that will be heard for miles. Seriously ... It's been stuck in my head since 2016, after he won, and before his imagination.
Again, I am not claiming to be anything but a doofus trying to make their way around the universe :-) . All of my reactions I described run counter to the way I typically am (nervous about everything) though. It's strange ... But I've always been considered strange :-) .
It’s not strange, you’re awake, and into a lost and dying world that is strange.
Congrats for seeing things the way you do, and enjoy your Christmas with your family tomorrow. God bless you. Have a great night. 🙏
Thanks! You too! :-). Something is telling me it is gonna be memorable :-) .
Oh, you already are here 🙌🐸🙏
Yeah. I have no idea what's going to happen, but something's happening.
Had this conversation with my kids last week. They all think I’m nuts but I definitely have had those feelings as well. Where things are the mostly the same but slightly different. Either that or I am losing my mind. I choose the former.
Is this like daylight savings time? :-)
I don’t know I’m in Arizona 😂😂
Bingo! 😵💫
The linked article at is quite vague (almost hilariously so, I thought) but does contain a link to a 6 min 58 sec YT video by physicist Sabine Hossenfelder that clears things up. Worth a watch if you're interested in the topic.
I've had thoughts related to this about what is really going on. If there was a big bang, the end result of that is chaos and tearing apart yet, we see everything doing the opposite becoming more connected What if time is running backwards, and leading us towards the big bang the absolute connection of everything the singularity the concept of "time running out" permeates our lives